NASHP\'s 19th Annual State Health Policy Conference Presentations: Leaders with Nerves of Steel
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Speaker presentations from the recently concluded 19th Annual State Health Policy Conference in Pittsburgh are now available. Topics include Helping Troubled Youth, High Performance Health Systems, Balancing Long-Term Care, Improving Quality, Assuring Better Child Health and Development, Redesigning Coverage in Medicaid, Patient Safety, and Using Data to Inform Public Policy. Review the presentations and other hot topics in state health policy.
Helping Troubled Youth: Juvenile Justice, Medicaid and Behavioral Health; Why Not the Best? How States Can Lead Us Toward a High Performance Health System; National Responses to Local Disasters: Issues and Lessons Learned in Volunteer Coordination; Using Data to Inform Public Policy: Lost in Translation; Redesigning Coverage in Medicaid; State Strategies to Balance Long Term Care Programs; Insuring Children: Medicaid, SCHIP, and Prospects for the Future; What’s New in Patient Safety: State Agencies Take Action; Shoring Up the Safety Net: New Strategies for Old Problems; Assuring Better Child Health and Development (ABCD) within Medicaid; Chronic Care Management – The Next Generation; Politics of Creating and Sustaining Comprehensive Health Care Coverage Initiatives; States Byte the Bullet on HIT; Using Evidence Based Practices to Improve the Quality of Mental Health Services; Meeting the Chronic Care Needs of People with Disabilities through Special Needs Plans; The Massachusetts Model: Is It the Universal Answer?; Caregiver Support and Assessment; Bridging Gaps in Oral Health: Doing More with Less; Improving Quality in Nursing Homes; Helping Consumers Purchase for Price and Quality; Where the Money Is: Including Employers in State Health Care Access Initiatives; Upstream Systems for Promoting Mental Health and Preventing Mental Illness; Buzzer Beater: Hot Issues in Long term and Chronic Care; Hot Topics in State Health Policy