HCBS Waiver Conference 2005 - Presentations
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Held in May 2005 this national conference was designed to meet the unique training needs of waiver program operators. This year’s conference, titled "The Sun Shines Brighter at Home," offered substantive opportunities to learn about the national initiatives, policy directions and grant programs that shape the current environment. The attached agenda has links to all of the presentation overheads.
Changes to 1915(c) HCBS Waiver Application; Beyond Cash and Counseling; The Future of Self-Direction; Comprehensive Service Needs; Federal-State Partnership; Emerging Federal Initiatives; Integrating Long Term Care; Caregiver Services and Housing; Microboards; Quality Improvement; Emergency Management; Spinal Cord Injury; Best Practices; waiver application; Children with Chronic Mental Health Conditions; Effective Systems Change; CMS Oversight; Decision-Making Assistance; Respite Services; HomeLink; Direct Service Community Workforce; Recruitment and Retention; Managing Data; Effective Systems Change; Medicaid Brain Injury Waivers; Self Direction Models; Competitive Employment; Internet and Case Management; Ombudsman; Flexible Funding; Family Caregivers from Diverse Populations; Age in Place; Care Management Program; Optional Personal Care; Direct Support Professional Wage Bill; Cross-State Collaboration; Direct Support Workers; Service Efficiencies; Consumer Information Portal Functions; Adult Day Services; Care Management; Evidence-Based Health; Homebound Seniors; Medicaid in 2005: Principles and Proposals for Reform; Consumer Satisfaction; Community Choice Counseling Program; QA/QI Systems; National Quality Contractor; Technology to Promote Independence and Reduce Health-Related Expenditures; Older Parent Caregivers; Cultural and Cohort Effects; Working Age Adults with Serious Mental Illness; Beyond HCBS Waivers; Increasing Access To Waiver Services by Indian Tribal Members; Nurse Registry Model; Cost-Effective Consumer Empowerment; Philosophical Shift . . . From Manager to Facilitator; Good Pill Hunting; Mis-Adventuring; Rewarding Work; Consumer Information Portal Functions; Evidence-Based Health Promotion Programs; Holistic Monitoring Tool; Medicare Interactive; Systems Change; Self-Directed Service Delivery Model; Rent-Assisted Housing Properties; Support Aging in Place; Medicaid Waiver Programs Serving Diverse Populations; Balance Risk and Choice; Quality Assurance System; Age Discrimination; Disaster Preparedness; Quality Behavioral Services; The Gold Standard; CARES Program; Evolving Pre-Admission Screening; Community Diversion Program; NextChoice; Post Nursing Home Population; Positive and Sustaining Change; Prescription Drug Benefit; Person-Directed; New Horizons
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