The Crunch Continues: Medicaid Spending, Coverage and Policy in the Midst of a Recession |
Do Non-institutional Long-Term Care Services Reduce Medicaid Spending? |
CMS State Medicaid Directors Letter: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) |
Explaining Health Care Reform: What is Medicaid? |
Estimating the Expense of a Mandatory Home- and Community-Based Personal Assistance Services Benefit Under Medicaid |
An Overview of Medicaid Long-Term Care Programs in New York |
Working Healthy Data Chartbook: Evaluation of the Kansas Medicaid Buy-In 2002-2007 |
A Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Report: The Status of the Medicaid Infrastructure Grants Program as of 12/31/07 |
Analysis of the California In-Home Supportive Services (IHSS) Plus Waiver Demonstration Program |
Medicaid and Long-Term Care: New York Compared to 18 Other States |