Falls Prevention State Profiles |
Chronic Disease Self-Management Program State Profiles |
Using Braided Funding Strategies to Advance Employer Hiring Initiatives that Include People with Disabilities |
A Profile of Older Americans: 2011 |
The Importance of Federal Financing to the Nation’s Long-Term Care Safety Net |
National Core Indicators Website |
On the Verge: The Transformation of Long Term Services and Supports |
Performing Under Pressure: Annual Findings of a 50-State Survey of Eligibility, Enrollment, Renewal, and Cost-Sharing Policies in Medicaid and CHIP, 2011-2012 |
Money Follows the Person Demonstration: Overview of State Grantee Progress, January to June 2011 |
State of the States Survey 2011: State Aging and Disability Agencies in Times of Change |