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Planning For Your Discharge: A Checklist for Patients and Caregivers Preparing to Leave a Hospital, Nursing Home, or Other Health Care Setting

Transitioning out of a care facility can be a challenging time for patients and their caregivers. This checklist will help these people and their support workers plan ahead of the discharge to ensure everyone involved understands the patient’s needs and can avoid any interruption in care. The resource also includes instructions and contact information for finding appropriate support from local, state, and federal agencies.

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Peer Power Mentoring Program Toolkit – Wisconsin

Find here documents needed for managing a peer mentoring program. Advisory committee meeting materials illustrate the planning process. Flyers, posters and press releases aid in marketing. Letters to parents and mentors and interview questionnaires and assessments for recruitment are also given. So are worksheets and activity guides for use once a mentor and mentee have been matched.

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WorkStrides Career Development Program – Washington

The goal of this copyrighted program is to help those facing the most significant challenges to employment to gain economic self-sufficiency. The two-tiered “train the trainer” strategy includes career development curriculum for counselors to develop necessary skills. Counselors then conduct workshops with customers to develop portfolios of skills and strengths. Resources available here include the proposal, an introductory presentation and brochure, and trainer and participant manuals.

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Choose, Get, Keep Integrated Housing

This guide is a supplement to ABCs of Nursing Home Transition: An Orientation Manual for New Transition Facilitators. The two guides are meant to be used together. This second guide, gives greater detail on one of the most challenging aspects to the transition process—locating and securing housing that meets the individual’s needs and preferences so that the transition can be completed. The Appendix offers tools for housing specialist and consumers including checklists and how-to fact sheets.

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Employment Network Revenue Estimator

This online tool enables current or potential Ticket to Work (TTW) employment networks to estimate revenue they might earn through the program. Estimates are based on the number of TTW participants that will begin work each month, that receive only SSI, and that achieve certain milestones in each phase of the program. The tool is provided by CESSI, an accessibility consultant company.

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Find, Choose, and Keep Great Direct Support Professionals – Toolkit

These kits provide strategic guidance and tools such as checklists and worksheets to help people recruit and retain quality direct support professionals. One version is designed for individuals with disabilities and the other is for their families and support team members. A hard copy with interactive CD is available at the Illinois Direct Support Professional Workforce Initiative website.

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Return on Investment Calculator for Medicaid Quality Initiatives

This web-based resource helps Medicaid stakeholders allocate resources and demonstrate the business case for improving quality in health care. It is designed for programs that aim to more effectively manage the care of adults with disabilities and chronic conditions. Because the care of this population consumes nearly 70% of Medicaid expenditures, it represents a good opportunity to improve health outcomes, reduce unnecessary utilization, and control costs. Requires free registration.

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Funding Sources Successfully Used by States to Support Development of Integrated, Affordable, and Accessible Community Housing

This guide offers a quick reference on housing resources that can be used to create integrated, affordable, and accessible housing and basic information on how to use these resources. Including community strategies that increase the amount of integrated, affordable, and accessible housing units that usually fall into three general categories: development of housing units; access to existing housing units; and asset development.

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