Training materials

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How Can Consumer Direction Really Be Right For Everyone? - Technical Assistance Presentation

What are the goals of consumer direction? Does mental illness affect consumer direction of community-based care? This presentation addresses these and other tough questions faced in planning and implementing participant-directed programs. Information on consumer assessments, representatives, and common sense approaches and intervention are discussed, as well as additional tools and resources.

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Community Living Program Training Materials & Consumer Narratives - Arkansas

Are you looking for training materials for a nursing home diversion program? Arkansas created this Care Coordinator manual, Fact Sheet and Counseling Checklist for use at the beginning of their Nursing Home Diversion Program/Community Living Program. Also find consumer narratives and letters. The Arkansas Division of Aging and Adult Services was one of 12 state units on aging to be awarded a grant from the Administration on Aging for a new and innovative Nursing Home Diversion Program.

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Hiring and Managing Personal Assistants

Check out this guide geared toward the participant/consumer on how to hire and manage personal assistants. Written with the goal of promoting self-determination, this user-friendly guide helps the consumer understand their role as employer and covers topics such as determining the supports they need, finding workers and the role of the Fiscal Intermediary. It includes sample forms, worksheets, checklists, job descriptions, as well as a glossary and tips for helping to keep organized.

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Permanent Supportive Housing Toolkit

SAMHSA provides toolkits to promote the use of evidence-based practices in mental health. This set focuses on Permanent Supportive Housing defined as decent, safe, and affordable community-based housing that provides residents the rights of tenancy under state and local landlord-tenant laws. The housing is linked to voluntary and flexible support and services designed to meet tenants’ needs and preferences.

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Options Counseling Core Competencies

Review this series of handouts that discuss key considerations for program planners and managers and staff involved in options counseling. Core competencies identified and detailed are: determining the need for options counseling; assessing needs, values and preferences; understanding and educating about public and private sector resources; facilitating self-direction/self-determination; encouraging future orientation; and following-up. Additional resources are offered for each core competency.

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Online Tutorials for Employers and Service Providers - New York

How are online training resources helping New York employers and disability service providers build more powerful strategies, practices and partnerships for disability inclusive workplaces? New York's MIG program, New York Makes Work Pay, provides online tutorials on their website for employers and service providers. This approach could serve as a useful sample to other states.

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VDHS Care Consultant Training on Budget Based Participant-Direction - Washington

Review a presentation developed for a training session for AAA-based Care Consultants with the Washington Veteran Directed Home Services program. It provides an overview of participant direction, and detailed instructions for care consultation including enrollment, assessment, creation of the the Participant Spending Plan, financial management services, and ongoing coaching and support for the participant. Slides also address myths and concerns associated with the change to traditional services.

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New York Makes Work Pay Webinars – New York

How are states incorporating new media into their MIG grant training programs? Webinars allow for a cinematic, presentation like, learning experience that can be accessed conveniently online. The state of New York uses webinars to explain their programs to consumers and service providers, and made archives of these presentations available online. A link to the archives page of the New York Makes Work Pay site is provided below. These webinars could serve as a template for other MIG states.

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Fair Housing Planning Guide

Are you looking for assistance with Fair Housing Planning? This Guide provides an historical perspective of fair housing, information on how to conduct an Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI), undertake activities to correct the identified impediments, and the types of documentary records to be maintained. It was developed for State, State-funded, and Entitlement jurisdictions along with applicable HUD regulations pertaining to fair housing.

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Improving PA Home and Community-Based Care - Training Initiative

A Southwestern Pennsylvania demonstration program has been initiated to promote relationship-centered care for elders and people living with disabilities in need of home and community-based services and supports. It involves a series of five three-day train-the-trainer programs based on the state model for personal care aides (PCAs). Included are the announcement and a fact sheet on direct-care workers in Pennsylvania.

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