Training materials

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Curriculum in Ethnogeriatrics Website

This site offers downloadable training materials and information for those providing care to older adults from specific ethnic groups. The materials include information about diseases prevalent in particular groups, cultural beliefs & practices, historical events that influenced particular groups. While the focus is on providing culturally appropriate health care services, much of the information offered is applicable to people providing a broad range of long term care & supportive services.

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Texas Real Choice Program Project Materials

The Heart of Central Texas Real Choice is a project of the Texas Health and Human Services Commission through a grant & collaboration between the Area Agency on Aging of the Heart of Texas, the Area Agency on Aging of Central Texas, & the Heart Of Central Texas Independent Living Center. The attached material contain a program overview, job descriptions, workbooks and other materials that explain the program.

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You Have a Choice! DVD

You Have a Choice! DVD in four formats: standard, with English subtitles, with Spanish subtitles, and audio described. The video is excellent for informing consumers about their options to leave a nursing home and to educate nursing home staff, family members and the general public about the option of transition. Produced by the Nursing Facility Transition project at the Center for People with Disabilities in Boulder, CO. To recieve a copy of the DVD please contact Sharon Finney.

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Workforce Initiatives Teleconference

More than 30 of the 101 Systems Change Grants that began in FY 2001 or FY 2002 have activities to improve the recruitment, retention, or quality of the direct service workforce. RTI International conducted phone interviews with the 20 FY 2001 grantees with workforce activities and conducted site visits with 7 of them to document their initiatives. This teleconference presentation will address a policy framework that identifies initiatives that appear promising to states.

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Community Living Exchange Collaborative Online: Resources for Everyone Working to Improve Home and Community Based Services

This presentation highlighted The Community Living Exchange Collaborative Web site and the various features available to a wide array of audiences, including states, policy makers, advocates, researchers, consumers, and other entities involved in building systems that provide services and supports that reflect the needs and preferences of individuals of all ages with disabilities.

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Supervisory Training Curricula for Personal Assistance Services for People with Disabilities

These curricula were developed with the goal of the training participants to be more effective in finding, supporting, and supervising personal assistance staff, resulting in more success in retaining such staff. The training materials include curricula for both consumers and home care agencies, as well as trainer overheads and participant handouts for each group. The trainings also provide an overview of the shift from a medical to consumer-directed services model.

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Principles of Adult Learning Audio Teleconference

This teleconference is designed to assist grantees that are preparing new curricula for trainings and other activities or who are engaged in the effective communication of information. Kathleen McInnis-Dittrich is the presenter for this teleconference, and she is an Association Professor in the Boston College Graduate School of Social Work, where she teaches social work with elders, social work practice, and methods in professional education.

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