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Ombudsman Program Coordination with Aging and Disability Resource Centers

Collaboration between Long-Term Care Ombudsmen and Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) is beneficial in making informed long-term care choices. ADRCs are a vital bank of information for people considering home and community-based services in lieu of institutional settings. This report presents findings from a survey of states’ Ombudsman programs on what types of collaboration exist; some work with ADRCs by making referrals, conducting training, and/or exchanging information.

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Senior Center Practices

There has been effort to create standards for senior centers at a state level. Many State Units on Aging (SUAs) coordinate with Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) to fund, develop, and foster these standards. This report summarizes findings from a survey of 38 states concerning various areas related to senior centers, including funding sources, operational guidelines, and required services. Most states reported some common practices and 16 states provide guidance for their senior centers.

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Supporting the Information Needs of Private Paying Consumers: Examining the Capacity of Aging Network Consumer Information Programs

The aging services network is critical for those navigating the “information maze” in order to make informed decisions about long-term services and supports (LTSS). But most of these services do not target the majority of Americans who are private paying consumers. Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) are one service that aims to increase the level of services offered to private payers. This report includes the results of a survey measuring ADRCs’ engagement with private payers.

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State of Aging: 2009 State Perspectives on State Units on Aging Policies and Practices

Interested in the work and current challenges that face The National Association of State Units on Aging members? This report, resulting from a February through April 2009 NASUA survey, was given to its members to obtain a snapshot of their work and the current challenges they face. The results, divided into 10 themes, provide that snapshot as well as the states’ perspective on the evolution of the aging network as it works to redesign the long-term care delivery system.

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Employer Survey – District of Columbia

Determining local business needs is an integral part of providing effective employment opportunities to the disabled. The District of Colombia used Constant Contact, an online email marketing tool, to survey employers from various sectors in the area. The attached employer survey, results and summary could serve as a template for other states seeking to gauge local employer needs.

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An Environmental Scan of Self-Direction in Behavioral Health: Summary of Major Findings

This scan was designed to understand facilitators and barriers to self-direction in behavioral health, ascertain interest among stakeholders, adapt the model and outcome measures to better fit the needs of behavioral health consumers, and develop recommendations to inform next steps. The scan was a joint effort conducted over 18 months (Sept 2011-Feb 2013) by researchers from the National Center for Participant-Directed Services, Human Services Research Institute, and University of Maryland.

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Long-Term Care: Perceptions, Experiences and Attitudes Among Americans 40 or Older

A representative sample of 1,019 adults ages 40 or older were interviewed regarding their experiences and beliefs about their need for long-term care services, what such care would cost, and how such issues fit into their concerns about growing older. This report outlines survey findings. Findings include, 58% of participants underestimate the cost of nursing homes, 41% have discussed long-term care preferences with family and 51% support a government sponsored long-term care insurance program.

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Travel Behavior and Mobility of Transportation-Disadvantaged Populations: Evidence from the National Household Travel Survey

Using data from the National Household Travel Survey, the Small Urban and Rural Transit Center has released a report that examines the travel behavior and mobility of older adults, people with disabilities, individuals in low-income households, and people in rural areas. NHTS data on driving, mode choice, use of public transportation, and issues and concerns regarding transportation are highlighted.

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Getting into Gear for 2014: Briefing, Survey Examine 2013 Data From 50-State Survey of Medicaid and CHIP Eligibility and Enrollment Policies

As 2014 approaches, many states are preparing for implementation of the major provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) law, including a new streamlined Medicaid enrollment system and, at states' option, the expansion of Medicaid. It has been found that nearly all states are pressing forward with information technology and process improvements to develop faster, streamlined Medicaid enrollment systems, whether or not the state elects to expand Medicaid coverage under the law.

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Effectiveness of the State Long Term Care Ombudsman Programs

This report serves as a follow-up to the 1995 Institute on Medicine (IOM) report which argued for an ombudsman program to address the quality of care in long-term institutional settings. This study investigates the role and effectiveness of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Programs (LTCOPs) in improving care. Surveys with all states/territories reveal new findings on the structure of the program in different states as well as their own perceived effectiveness. Comprehensive data and analysis.

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