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2010 Survey of Employment of Americans with Disabilities

Review the results of a survey that measures the current attitudes of corporate employers toward employees with disabilities and corporate action on hiring people with disabilities. Findings are presented on current corporate disability policies and programs, steps employers have been taking towards recruiting, training, and retaining people with disabilities, as well as the barriers they experience, and more.

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FY05 Family-to-Family Report

This report offers a cross-site analysis of the goals, objectives, outputs, outcomes, challenges and barriers of nine FY05 FTF grants. It discusses implementation of the grants, summarizes outputs reported by grantees, and concludes with a discussion of barriers and grantee recommendations for supporting FTF efforts at the state and federal level. Basic information about each grant is included, i.e. title, grantee agency, subcontractors, activities, impacts, outcomes, and accomplishments.

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Annual Report: System and Impact Research and Technical Assistance for CMS FY 2005, FY 2006, and FY 2007 RCSC Grants

Findings in this report focus on what has been learned about the status of grant implementation and factors that facilitate progress early and throughout the implementation period, and progress on grantees’ goals and achievement of Systems Transformation (ST). It presents results for both FY05 and FY06 ST Grantees, builds on findings from the first annual report and focuses on two different stages of implementation for the FY05 grantees (Year 3) and the FY06 grantees(initial 15-months).

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The ADA 20 Years Later - 2010 Survey of Americans with Disabilities

Review the results of a survey that assesses the quality of life of people with disabilities on a wide range of critical dimensions and tracks them over time. A number of indicators were used, and findings show that while there has been modest improvement in a few areas, there has yet to be significant progress. Employment remained as the largest gap between people with disabilities and those without. Attached are links to the final report, executive summary, presentation and webinar.

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10-Plus Years After the Olmstead Ruling: Progress, Problems, and Opportunities

Statistics show a significant percentage increase in older persons able to receive LTSS outside of nursing homes, however unnecessary institutionalization is still a routine problem. This report clearly delineates the limitations on progress, including differences in Medicaid structure around nursing home vs. HCBS waiver coverage. The authors recommend specific steps that federal and state governments should take to reduce unnecessary institutionalization.

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Establishing and Maintaining Medicaid Eligibility Upon Release from Public Institutions

Many low-income individuals with severe mental illness leave state institutions without health insurance and therefore without financial access to the treatment they need to live successfully in their communities. Read an evaluation of Oklahoma’s efforts to develop and implement a model program to ensure that eligible individuals with mental illness were enrolled in Medicaid at discharge from state prisons and institutions for mental diseases.

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Self-Directed Care in Mental Health: Learnings from the Cash & Counseling Demonstration Evaluation

Review findings of a study of outcomes of adults with mental illnesses in the Cash & Counseling program compared to those receiving traditional Medicaid services. Such individuals experienced higher satisfaction with their quality of life and with their paid caregivers, fewer unmet needs, no more injuries or other adverse health outcomes than other patients, no significant differences in total expenditures, and were able to successfully manage the cash option.

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Older Americans 2010: Key Indicators of Well-being

Review this updated report describing the overall status of the U.S. population 65 years of age and older. The report includes 37 indicators that are grouped into five sections: Population, Economics, Health Status, Health Risks and Behaviors, and Health Care. It uses data from over a dozen national data sources to construct broad indicators of well-being and to monitor changes in these indicators over time. A Powerpoint presentation of the indicators is available as well as the full report.

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State Chart Book On Wages For Personal And Home Care Aides, 1999-2009

This updated resource, the first reflecting a ten year perspective, provides a state-by-state look at wages and wage trends for PHCAs, the fourth fastest growing occupation in the country, and a key job title within the direct care workforce. Prepared as a resource guide on wages for advocates and policymakers concerned with this workforce, the data underscore the problem of low wages for PHCAs, factors contributing to workforce instability and near poverty incomes for this workforce.

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Evaluation of the Consumer Direction Training for the ASAP Network

Read the evaluation report of a training project for case management agencies that coordinate home care and Medicaid waiver services for older residents (Aging Services Access Points). The curriculum encouraged a shift in philosophy and explained the roles of consumers and case managers guided by a consumer-directed philosophy. Results indicated that the regional training was highly effective in achieving its goals. Detailed information about methods of training and evaluation are included.

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