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Personal Assistance Services at the Workplace - Alabama

The use of PAS as a workplace support is a relatively new innovation. Because of its newness, many persons with disabilities and employers tend to get confused about how workplace PAS is different from more standard personal assistance services or personal attendant care. The most important distinctions between PAS and Workplace PAS are related to where the services are provided and for what purpose. To learn more, explore the attached project report, brochure, and websites.

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Crossing Great Divides: Elder Mobility Trends in Indian Country

This Trends paper includes: an overview of the challenges involved in providing transportation services to American Indian elders living on reservations and Indian lands; a discussion of the Tribal aging and transportation services infrastructure; a brief description of transportation funding options; and examples of creative solutions from the field. Information may be replicable by transportation programs for elders living in other rural and frontier areas.

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How Recent Changes in Reverse Mortgages Impact Older Homeowners

Reverse mortgages offer older homeowners a way to tap home equity to meet financial needs in retirement. However, the collapse of the mortgage market in 2008–2009 has led to major changes that impact consumer choices. While consumers have more product choices, reverse mortgages are generally more expensive and more complicated. Learn more about how this has affected aging consumers and what Congress and regulatory agencies are doing to protect consumers here.

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Innovative Communities: Breaking Down Barriers for the Good of Older Consumers and Their Family Caregivers

Review a summary of this Innovative Communities Summit held in Washington D.C. The report features case studies of how three communities in the United States are working together to improve care transitions and reduce avoidable hospitalizations. The report outlines steps the LTQA should take to encourage and promote the creation of comparable multi-sector innovative communities that would involve local providers as well as consumers and caregivers.

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Training Needs Assessment Report: Paths to Employment Resource Center - Wisconsin

This needs assessment is one example of how the state of Wisconsin is working to achieve the goals of the Medicaid Infrastructure Grant and to strengthen its employment infrastructure for residents with disabilities. Within this report find input from consumers, employment service providers, advocacy groups, and other stakeholders as well as recommendations for for emerging training needs in order to best serve those involved in the community rehabilitation process.

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States and the Affordable Care Act: More Funding, More Flexibility

To date, the ACA has provided or offered $2.8 billion in funding to states. This includes funding for long-term care and health workforce needs. This report, released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, highlights the flexibility and resources provided by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to improve health care benefits and protect consumers.

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Medicaid Work Incentive Network 2009 Exit Survey Results - West Virginia

How does the state of West Virginia evaluate the effectiveness of their MIG programs and services? Explore these exit survey results as well as corresponding conclusions and recommendations. This particular survey is mailed monthly to individuals after they leave the state's Medicaid Work Incentive Network; discover the variety of reasons.

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North Dakota Organizational Self-Assessment for Recovery-Oriented Person-Centered Practice for Adults with Mental Illness

Contained in this research report are the results from a survey conducted with adults receiving mental health services in North Dakota and professionals who administer mental health services. Reviewing this information may be helpful for agencies, policymakers, and advocates seeking to build on the current system of mental health services.

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Money Follows the Person: A 2010 Snapshot

In July 2010, the Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured surveyed states about the current status of their Money Follows the Person (MFP) program including trends in enrollment, services and per capita spending. Explore the report for information on the findings regarding information on transitions back to the community, the average monthly cost of transitioning a MFP participant to the community, obstacles to transition, and more.

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An Update on State Budget Cuts: At Least 46 States Have Imposed Cuts That Hurt Vulnerable Residents and the Economy

With tax revenues still declining as a result of the recession and budget reserves largely drained, the vast majority of states have made spending cuts that hurt families and reduce necessary services. Explore the reasons for these cuts as well as arguments for the continuing and increasing need for these services through the attached report.

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