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Bridging the Aging and Developmental Disabilities Service Networks

This report discusses recent major policy developments that pertain to the service needs of people with developmental disabilities and their families, and recommends opportunities to enhance collaboration among the aging, disability and long-term care networks. Key policy initiatives addressed include the Aging and Disability Resource Centers, the Lifespan Respite Act, the National Alzheimer’s Project Act, and the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

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Strengthening the Effectiveness of Services for Older Americans

This report advocates for a stronger, more rigorous research approach in Title IV (Activities for Health, Independence, and Longevity-Program Innovations) of the Older Americans Act. Title IV authorizes the Assistant Secretary for Aging to fund training, research, and demonstration projects, which Congress did not fund in FY 2012. Recommendations include creating a new Chief Science Officer, establishing a national advisory council for aging services program research, and renaming Title IV.

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General Guidance on Federally-Facilitated Exchanges

This document outlines the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) approach to implementing a Federally-facilitated Exchange (FFE) in any State where a State-based Exchange is not operating. This report also provides general guidance on how states can partner with HHS to implement selected functions in an FFE, key policies organized by Exchange function, and how HHS will consult with a variety of stakeholders to implement an FFE.

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Framework for Designing and Implementing Accessible Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Strategic Plans

As technology continues to transform the workplace, demand is growing for the development, purchase, maintenance and use of information and communication technology (ICT) that is accessible to and usable by all applicants and employees, including individuals with disabilities. This paper provides a framework that can be used to develop technical assistance tools to help employers design, purchase, lease, maintain and use ICT that is accessible to & usable by people with disabilities and others.

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Evaluation of the Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Mental Illness (PAIMI) Program

Summarizes a program evaluation of a Federally-funded state-based system to protect patient rights for those with significant mental health disability. The PAIMI Program was initiated in 1986 in response to congressional findings of widespread abuse, neglect, and exploitation of individuals in state psychiatric institutions. Twenty-two years later, the program is still addressing those issues, along with new problems arising from delivery of mental health services in community-based settings.

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Building a National Agenda for Supporting Families with a Member with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

This document outlines recommendations from the Johnson Foundation's Wingspread Conference to ensure that individuals with I/DD are fully integrated into society and the recognition of their families' role in their lives. Review the action steps and accomplishments.

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Medicaid Financing for Services in Supportive Housing for Chronically Homeless People: Current Practices and Opportunities

In 2014, most homeless people will become Medicaid-eligible under the Affordable Care Act. Many homeless people have physical and behavioral health conditions for which they seek care through frequent use of emergency rooms and inpatient hospitalization, at considerable cost in public resources. Medicaid reimbursement is an important source of funding for services that help homeless people succeed in housing and stop such inappropriate use of crisis health services.

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Through the Eyes of the Caregiver - Family Caregiving 2011 Year in Review: A Compilation of Research, Programs, Legislation & Media Coverage

This is the second “year in review” of developments in family caregiving, and there remains considerable room for improvement in how this nation supports the over 42 million family caregivers (and growing) who provide an estimated $450 billion in “free” care annually. The guide provides an overview of key developments in 2011. Two shorter versions, "45 Facts About Family Caregivers" and "27 Things You May not Know about Women and Caregiving" are also available.

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A National Review of Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Autism spectrum disorders are among the fastest-growing developmental disability diagnosis in the US. This growing number highlights the need to learn more about the services & supports that are currently available for adults with ASD, & consider those that will be needed throughout their adult lifespan. The purpose of the study was to investigate how people with ASD are being served across states in HCBS, including service eligibility, state trends specific to autism services & lessons learned.

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Self-Determination and the MI Choice Medicaid Waiver Program: A survey of direct care workers serving people using the MI Choice self-determination option

The goals of the survey, which was sent to direct-care workers serving participants using the MI Choice SD option, were to: collect baseline demographic information on workers in the SD option; understand the motivations, job satisfaction, and training needs of workers providing services and supports to self-directed participants; and,identify strategies to strengthen and support the recruitment and retention of workers in self-directed programs.

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