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State and Local Governments' Fiscal Outlook: April 2013 Update

An updated fiscal outlook of state and local governments projects an ever increasing gap between receipts and expenditures through 2060, absent any policy changes. The report found that this decline in the state and local government sectors' operating balance is primarily due to rising health related costs of state and local expenditures on Medicaid and the cost of health care compensation for state and local government employees and retirees.

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Medicaid: A Program of Last Resort for People Who Need Long-Term Services and Supports

This report examines the importance of Medicaid as a safety net for financing long-term services and supports (LTSS). Most older adults will require some form of LTSS, but paid LTSS can be very expensive. Unpaid, family caregiving has enormous economic value and currently accounts for the greatest portion of LTSS provision. However, if an individual needs paid LTSS, and can't afford LTSS insurance, Medicaid is often needed after an individual spends down their assets.

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Long-term Care: Perceptions, and Attitudes among Americans 40 or Older

With a focus on understanding the experiences and attitudes of this population as they begin to plan for their own care and interact with the long-term care system to provide care for loved ones, we examine their understanding of the long-term care system, their perceptions and misperceptions regarding the likelihood of needing long-term care services and of the cost of those services, and their attitudes and behaviors regarding planning for long-term care.

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Weaving It Together: A Tapestry of Transportation Funding for Older Adults

This report provides insight into how transportation services for older adults and persons with disabilities are funded. With a growing population in need of transportation and limited funds for these services, providers need to creatively leverage existing and untapped funding sources to fill gaps in service. Coordination of these limited resources is also key and must be supported by providers and all levels of government. Learn major sources of federal funding that providers can tap into.

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Travel Behavior and Mobility of Transportation-Disadvantaged Populations: Evidence from the National Household Travel Survey

Using data from the National Household Travel Survey, the Small Urban and Rural Transit Center has released a report that examines the travel behavior and mobility of older adults, people with disabilities, individuals in low-income households, and people in rural areas. NHTS data on driving, mode choice, use of public transportation, and issues and concerns regarding transportation are highlighted.

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Leveling the Playing Field: Attracting, Engaging and Advancing People with Disabilities

This report looks at how employers are building competitive advantage through workplace practices that engage people with disabilities, including recent veterans and older workers. It finds that companies that employ people with disabilities reap numerous benefits. For instance, active recruiting and retention of employees with disabilities can both significantly expand the pool of talent and create new business opportunities.

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Money Follows the Person: A 2012 Survey of Transitions, Services and Costs

Four new papers look at the Money Follows the Person demonstration program, drawing on a 2012 survey of state MFP programs. A total of 46 states have received federal grant money under the program, which was extended through 2016 by the Affordable Care Act. As of August 2012, over 25,000 individuals nationally had been transitioned back to the community since the program’s inception. The survey report describes trends in enrollment, services and per-capita spending in state MFP efforts.

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The Facts Hurt: A State-by-State Injury Prevention Policy Report

Injuries are the third leading cause of death nationally, and the leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 1 and 44. This report concludes that millions of injuries could be prevented each year if more states adopted additional research-based injury prevention policies, and if programs were fully implemented and enforced.

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Getting into Gear for 2014: Briefing, Survey Examine 2013 Data From 50-State Survey of Medicaid and CHIP Eligibility and Enrollment Policies

As 2014 approaches, many states are preparing for implementation of the major provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) law, including a new streamlined Medicaid enrollment system and, at states' option, the expansion of Medicaid. It has been found that nearly all states are pressing forward with information technology and process improvements to develop faster, streamlined Medicaid enrollment systems, whether or not the state elects to expand Medicaid coverage under the law.

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Hunger and Nutrition in America: What’s at Stake for Children, Families and Older Adults

This report identifies ways to effectively address nutrition problems using innovative intergenerational strategies. It lays out a set of recommendations that invite policymakers, business and community leaders, and advocates to: 1) directly engage older and younger community members in tackling the hunger and nutrition challenges, 2) view people of different generations as problem-solves and sources of supports for each other, 3) cultivate the leadership qualities in people of all ages.

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