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Money Follows the Person 2015 Annual Evaluation Report

Mathematica Policy Research recently released their Money Follows the Person 2015 Annual Evaluation Report. This report provides basic information about the program, as well as how the program has grown and changed since transitions began in 2007. The Annual Evaluation Report also discusses estimates of program outcomes and is the basis for a report to congress.

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Building the Caring Economy: Workforce Investments to Expand Access to Affordable, High-Quality Early and Long-Term Care

This report proposes jobs for caregivers that would help alleviate two national concerns for caregivers: the need for quality employment and the need to still act as caregivers. It discusses ways to promote the well-being of older adults, individuals with disabilities, children, and their families by laying the framework for opportunities to improve the quality and increase the quality of caregiving employment to create jobs that meet family caregiving needs.

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H.R. 1628: The American Health Care Act (AHCA)

On May 26th, 2017 the Congressional Research Service released their report on H.R. 1628: The American Health Care Act (AHCA) that was passed in the House on May 4th, 2017. This report provides an overview of all the AHCA provisions. It also discusses how the bill includes a number of provisions that would repeal or modify parts of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

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Demonstrating the Value of Medicaid MLTSS Programs

In recognition of a lack of reliable and robust information on the value of state managed long-term services and supports (MLTSS) nationally, this report aims to partially fill the gap with data and evidence from a survey of state agencies and a review of relevant outside research, and to also serve as a jumping off point for future study.

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Medicaid Expenditures for Long-Term Services and Supports (LTSS) in FY 2015

This report from Truven Health Analytics describes Medicaid long-term services and supports (LTSS) expenditures. The report shows federal fiscal year 2015 data, along with updates for FY 2012 through 2014 spending. Along with discussing trends in Medicaid LTSS expenditures, the report includes numerous data tables that summarize national and state-level expenditures by service category and state.

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State of Care: Minnesota's Home Care Landscape

This report examines Minnesota's home care workforce and highlights trends in the broader sector. The report offers recommendations, including interventions that "elevate the role of the aide," and calls for better wages, higher reimbursement rates in state funding, and improved training, as well as approaches tailored to rural areas, such as new technologies in home care and transportation-related supports.

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Information Technology and the Aging Network: Opportunities to Enhance Information Technology Capacity

This report examines opportunities for the Aging Network to expand partnerships with health care organizations and other entities through focusing on the value of investing in information technology (IT). This report also focuses on a federal funding opportunity and the experiences of three AAAs that are actively seeking to build out IT in the context of contracts with an expanding number of health care organizations and other entities through focusing on the value of investing in information.

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No Wrong Door: Person- and Family-Centered Practices in Long-Term Services and Supports

This paper provides concrete examples of how seven No Wrong Door Systems are promoting person- and family-centered practice. This resource includes a toolkit of resources and contacts for states to learn more and replicate these practices. A checklist also provides a roadmap for states to ensure that No Wrong Door Systems operate in a person- and family-centered way.

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Integrating Older Adult Behavioral Health Into Long-Term Care Rebalancing

The National Coalition on Mental Health & Aging (NCMHA) has released a report on integrating older adult behavioral health into long-term care rebalancing. The report includes opportunities and recommendations for for funders such as public health agencies and managed care organizations (MCOs). The report notes that close to 50 percent of persons receiving long-term care have a mental disorder other than dementia.

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