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Advances in Employment Policy for People with Serious Mental Illness

This report explores the limited availability of supported employment despite the research demonstrating its success. It then presents strategies utilized by states when they expanded supported employment under settlement agreements; practical perspectives from employers, providers, and service users; and valuable lessons learned over the past decade. The paper concludes with a series of recommendations for ensuring that supported employment is widely available.

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Expansion Medicaid Transitions Guide

This guide is intended to educate state advocates nationally about the expansion Medicaid-to-Medicare transition process, assist them in troubleshooting problems their clients are facing, and guide them as they explore potential improvements to current processes. State advocates can use this guide as a roadmap to help residents access Medicare and other insurance programs and ensure that Medicare beneficiaries receive the benefits for which they are eligible.

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Senior Food-Assistance, Related Programming, and Seniors' Experiences Across the Feeding America Network

This study highlights the issues older adults face in maintaining their health and food security status, including chronic disease, social isolation, mobility, transportation, and limited income and affordability. This study engaged almost 150 older adults and 90 program managers and community agencies across 9 states. It examined 17 different program delivery models, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the Commodity Food Supplemental Program (CSFP).

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State and Local Public Health Partnerships to Address Dementia, The 2018-2023 Road Map

This Road Map outlines actions state and local public health agencies and their partners can take to stimulate changes in policies, systems and environments. The goal is also to ensure that initiatives to address Alzheimer's can be easily and efficiently incorporated into existing public health initiatives. The Road Map outlines 25 action items for the field of public health to promote brain health, better care for people with cognitive impairment, and increase attention to caregivers.

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National Disability Employment Policy, From the New Deal to the Real Deal: Joining the Industries of the Future

This report is a follow-up to NCD's 2012 report discussing Section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act. This 2018 report assesses the status of Section 14(c) employment, explores trends regarding American workers with disabilities being paid below minimum wage, and highlights recent policy changes impacting this employment model. NCD also makes recommendations for building capacity for supported employment services and changing pay structures.

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Medicaid Home and Community-Based Services: Selected States' Program Structures and Challenges Providing Services

State Medicaid programs are increasingly opting to cover home and community-based services. This report looks at the efforts of various state Medicaid programs, examines their structure, and highlights the challenges encountered. From this review, GAO highlights three main challenges: 1) difficulty recruiting and retaining home care workers, 2) difficulty serving those with complex needs and, 3) limited funding for HCBS services.

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Measuring the Value of AAA Services: Making the Case to Health Care Partners

This report discusses the results of a poll investigating how AAAs measure the value of their services. The poll also examined if AAAs' value proposition development has led to successful partnerships. In addition to highlighting the findings of the poll, this report also reviews key informant interviews from AAAs who have successfully used value measurement to strengthen partnerships.

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States Expand Employment and Training Opportunities for People with Disabilities

This recently released white paper explains the barriers to employment faced by people with disabilities and highlights areas where governors can help people with disabilities overcome the challenges they may face in seeking employment. The strategies in this paper were developed following a learning lab meeting with states to discuss ways to take advantage of pools of untapped talent and ensure that workforce development and hiring policies are inclusive of people with disabilities.

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Elder Justice Policy Highlights Report: February - August 2018

This report highlights elder justice legislation from February to August 2018. The legislation referenced in the report was elicited using NCEA's Listserv as well as independent websites. This particular edition compiles updates from twenty-one states and also includes policy news at the national level.

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The Potential to Reduce Falls and Avert Costs by Clinically Managing Fall Risk

This study reviews literature on fall risk factors and prevention strategies. It uses peer-reviewed research from between 1994 and 2017 to estimate the number of medically treated falls that could be prevented and the direct medical costs that could be adverted. The estimates were created by looking specifically at evidence-based fall interventions in clinical settings.

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