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Massachusetts C-PASS Marketing & Outreach Subcommittee Consumer Forum Series Report

The MASS C-PASS Marketing & Outreach Subcommittee (M&O) created a Consumer Forum Series to gather information on barriers to self-direction and community integration from a community perspective. Aside from targeting elders, individuals with disabilities and their families, emphasis was placed on targeting traditionally underserved and un-served racial, ethnic, and linguistic minority groups and rural areas. This report is the narrative account and outcomes from nine consumer forums.

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Strategic Assessment of the State of the Science in Research on Employment for Individuals with Disabilities

This report provides a systematic review of recent research (primarily since 2002) while it also identifies limitations and gaps in this research. The report reviews research in a variety of areas including supply-side factors influencing employment, employer attitudes and practices, labor market organization, work accommodations, progression of disability benefits and disability management, impact of public policy on employment, and vocational services interventions.

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Medicaid Buy-in Enrollment Projections for Kentucky - Lessons from Other States

This report provides estimates of likely enrollments in Kentucky should the state implement a Buy-in program. The estimates are based on a statistical analysis of data from states that have implemented programs. The analysis takes into account both characteristics of the states and characteristics of the states’ programs that are likely to affect enrollments. Relevant considerations include the number of individuals with disabilities, participation rates and the state’s economy.

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Hoosiers Ready to Work Website and Resources

Indiana Works (Indiana’s Benefits Planning Assistance and Outreach Programs) received a MIG grant to conduct a statewide needs assessment in the disability community of the informational needs regarding state and federal programs and resources that support employment. The website contains general information about subjects and does not replace the expertise and assistance from trained benefits counselors. Also included for review are project overview and updates, fact sheets, and final reports.

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Peer Mentor’s Mentoree Training & Resource Manuals

The Health Benefits for Workers with Disabilities contracting with Valek & Co. to design and provide services relating to the recruiting, training and matching of mentors/mentorees for those interested in sharing their experience about rejoining the workforce. Included are two versions of recruitment letters, phone scripts, booklet and flyers. They received 23 mentor applications and 19 mentoree applications. Review the extensive training materials, exit surveys, and final reports.

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Valuing the Invaluable: A New Look at the Economic Value of Family Caregiving

This AARP Public Policy Institute Issue Brief discusses the financial impact of caregiving on the caregivers themselves as well as the economic value of their contributions to society. It compares the economic value of family caregiving to other benchmarks in order to underscore the magnitude of these unpaid contributions, presents estimates of productivity losses to U.S. businesses, and highlights the critical role that family caregivers play in the nation's long-term care system.

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Redesigning Case Management Services for People with Disabilities in Minnesota

Minnesota, like many states, faces the challenge of limited resources in the face of increasing consumer demand for more consumer control of services. This report includes recommendations for providing choice of case manager, streamlining administration, funding options, standardizing caseload size, regionalizing some county functions, standardizing performance measures across disability groups, and maximizing individualization. Innovations in case management in other states are also presented.

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The Interaction of Policy and Enrollment in the Medicaid Buy-In Program, 2005

This report, the latest in a series on participation in the Medicaid Buy-In program, presents a snapshot of the program in 2005 that captures the interplay of policy features, enrollment trends, and participant characteristics that have made the program what it is today. Moving away from the aggregated data used in previous studies, the analysis for this report is based on individual-level data provided by states to CMS through “finder files.”

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CPASS Hawaii Final Report(s) 2006

The CPASS Hawaii project identified stakeholders, particularly people with developmental disabilities and their families, willing to participate in collaborative efforts towards systems change. This report will elaborate on the accomplishments of the project related to their 5 goals including barriers and areas of success, as well as further recommendations. Also included are two matrixes summarizing accomplishments and training efforts, a demonstration report and an evaluation summary.

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ADCR-TAE Fact Sheet: How to Secure Medicaid Federal Financial Participation (FFP) for ADRC Functions: The Basics

The federal government will match expenditures that it deems necessary to support the “efficient and effective” administration of the Medicaid program. This administrative federal financial participation (FFP) is typically 50% of the costs, but in certain cases, enhanced match of up to 90% is available. Medicaid administrative activities can include many of the ADRC functions.

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