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Fiscal Challenges to a Strong Home and Community-Based Long-Term Care System: Oregon’s Fight to Maintain Leadership

In order for Oregon to balance its two-year budget for 2001-03, the Seniors and People with Disabilities Division (SPD) in the Department of Human Services was mandated to reduce LTC spending by nearly 30%. This paper analyzes the 2003 cuts to Oregon’s Medicaid long-term care (LTC) system, the impact of those cuts on a well-developed home and community-based services (HCBS) system, how the state has responded, and lessons that could be learned from its response.

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Report of the Taskforce on the Aging of the American Workforce

The Taskforce on the Aging of the American Workforce was created to address concerns that the supply of workers and vocational skills may not meet demand as baby boomers begin to retire. In this report the Taskforce outlines factors that may be limiting older Americans’ access to jobs. It also presents strategies to encourage and enable older Americans to remain in or reenter the workforce. The Taskforce is composed of nine relevant federal agencies.

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Opportunities for Creating Livable Communities

This paper outlines the most common barriers to implementing livable communities and outlines cases where these barriers were overcome using planning and zoning tools. Housing, transportation and mobility, land use, cooperation and communication, public involvement in community planning, and leadership are the components of livable communities that are addressed.

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Frameworks of Integrated Care for the Elderly: A Systematic Review

The author reviews international scholarly literature and case studies to identify four frameworks of integrated care for the elderly. The frameworks are summarized and compared based on underlying philosophy and policy, administrative and clinical best practices, and how they propose integration of different services. The review also highlights four key elements that are present in each framework and must be structured to support one another.

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Long Term Care Costs – Survey, Map, and Trends

This annual report by Genworth Financial provides detailed information on the cost of long-term care (LTC) in the U.S. Current costs and historic trends are identified and organized by state, setting of care, and type of service provider. The website includes interactive state maps and further information on private funding options for LTC.

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The Three E's: Enrollment, Employment, and Earnings in the Medicaid Buy-In Program, 2006

Find here a profile of enrollment, employment, and earnings in the 32 states with both a Medicaid Buy-In program and a Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (MIG) in 2006. Specifically, the report identifies how employment and earnings are influenced by the characteristics of participants and state programs.

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The 2008 Red Book - A Guide to Work Incentives

The Red Book 2008 serves as a general reference source about the employment-related provisions of the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI). In addition to the PDF versions posted here in English and Spanish, the Red Book website has a page highlighting recent changes to the programs and html versions of the resource in both languages.

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Issue Brief: Controls on the Premature Discharge by Hospitals to Post-Acute Providers

The prevalence of the practice of transferring patients to sub-acute levels of care has created concerns with hospital discharge planners. Their apprehension arises from the possibility that if they do not quickly transfer patients from an acute care setting to a post-acute level of care, their hospital may be at an economic disadvantage to others with shorter lengths of stay due to differing transfer practices. This paper looks at four factors that mitigate the incentives to transfer patients.

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Gateway Services Consumer Satisfaction Survey & Report - Georgia

This report and sample survey were used to evaluate information and assistance services provided by GA Area Agencies on Aging (AAA). The report summarizes the responses and lists recommendations for measuring and improving consumer satisfaction with this aspect of AAA services. The Quality Assurance Team of the Division of Aging Services mailed the survey to users such as consumers and their caregivers, case managers, friends and family members. They received 840 responses.

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