Promising practices

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Promising Practices: Engaging Physicians…Supporting Family Caregivers

This report is designed to help Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) and Title VI–Native American aging programs share their success stories about an innovative physician outreach program, Making the Link: Connecting Caregivers with Services through Physicians. The practices highlighted can have widespread application, the strategies can be adapted by other community-based organizations and AAAs, Title VI programs will find ideas that can be applied to workforce, PTAs, and other venues.

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Ticket to Work: Inside Ticket Autumn 2004 Newsletter

The Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program is an employment program for people with disabilities who are interested in going to work. The quarterly newsletter covers marketplace news, opportunities and experiences. This Autumn 2004 issues details the new marketing alliance and offers the experience of promising practices and partnerships. The publication also has a calendar and lists all recently approved Employee Network Providers.

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Psychotropic Medications: Addressing Costs without Restricting Access

States have used a variety of techniques to combat the rising costs of prescriptions, especially for psychotropic medications. This paper notes that it is important to consider alternatives that have the potential to both contain costs and improve the quality of care and outcomes. The paper provides some examples of promising practices from Pennsylvania, Missouri, Texas, and Massachusetts.

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Workforce Initiatives Teleconference

More than 30 of the 101 Systems Change Grants that began in FY 2001 or FY 2002 have activities to improve the recruitment, retention, or quality of the direct service workforce. RTI International conducted phone interviews with the 20 FY 2001 grantees with workforce activities and conducted site visits with 7 of them to document their initiatives. This teleconference presentation will address a policy framework that identifies initiatives that appear promising to states.

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Promising Practices in Long Term Care Systems Reform: South Carolina\'s Services for Older People and People with Physical Disabilities

This report describes South Carolina’s programs for older people and people with physical disabilities to gain access institutional and community Medicaid supports through a single access point, and have increasing opportunities to direct their own services. The report also describes how the state has been particularly innovative in using information technology to improve the quality of community supports and participants’ access to services.

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