Marketing materials

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ServiceLink Resource Materials: The New Hampshire ADRC

The ServiceLink Resource Center has developed and shared a number of resources they are using to market the expansion of their service. Visit this ADRC’s website or review their outreach material which includes a fact sheet, newsletter guidelines, marketing plan and messages, advertisements for print and radio, a general press release, flyers, brochures and logo.

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Support, Service, and Satisfaction: Resolving Problems with Home Health, Personal Care and/or Homemaker Service Agencies

The Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing received a Real Choice Grant for quality and created this brochure for consumers as part of their quality improvement activities. This tool provides strategies, resources, and guidelines for addressing home care concerns and, when necessary how to file complaints.

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Independence Plus Workbooks & Resource Materials - Missouri

The Missouri Independence Plus Grantees have developed a number of tools during the implementation of their consumer-directed program aimed at helping people with disabilities. Review the 7 participant workbooks titles include Designing Supports, Financial Management, Individual Budget, Orientation & Overview, Person Centered Planning, Support Broker, Self-Determination. Visit their website and view the program brochure for additional information.

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Virginia Family to Family Health Information and Education Center Resources

Parent to Parent and Family Voices are proud to announce the new Family to Family Health Information and Education Center called the Virginia Integrated Network of Family Organization or The VA-INFO Center. The center provides youth and parents of children with special needs, service providers and others one place to call to get information and referrals, parent to parent peer support, annual family support conference, and other training opportunities.

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Maryland Access Point (ADRC) Marketing and Outreach Plan

This draft marketing plan from the Maryland Access Point (MAP), the ADRC program in Maryland, primarily addresses the marketing of the web-based information system in development. In order to reach the range of audiences, the MAP project has consulted with an outside agency to create a wide mix of mediums including print collateral, cable, radio, and website advertising. Review the phases of their upcoming outreach.

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Link-Age Aging Resource Connection-Indiana’s ADRC Brochure, PSA and Website

Part of the national Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) network, Link-Age is an evolving concept in Indiana and growing. The informational brochure provides consumers a way to discover their website and the video provides another way to get information. From the site you can either be connected to a local agency’s web site or search the database for resources.

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New York’s Family to Family Health Care Brochures and Fact Sheets

New York’s Family to Family Real Choice Grantee, Parent to Parent has compiled a group of publications to assist families with children with special health care needs in understanding the complex system naviagate. Titles include: Understanding Health Insurance, Prescription Tips From Parents, Financial Aid, Researching Health Care Information on the Internet, Selecting a Doctor, Section 504 Fact Sheet, Understanding Medicaid and Tips For Handling Medical Appointments.

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Personal Assist Recruitment Video

This video was produced & directed by the Connecticut C-PASS grantee, UCONN Center on Disabilities, with assistance from consumers & PCAs participating in various HCBS waiver programs. Included are perspectives from individuals & family members representing various disabilities & ages, explaining why personal assistants are important parts of their daily lives, & why being a personal assistant can be a challenging and rewarding career. The recruitment tool will be available in various formats.

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