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Pennsylvania Employment Resource Guide for Persons with Disabilities

The Pennsylvania MIG project developed the Work Incentive Planning Assistance (WIPA) Program in order to promote employment among those receiving SSI/SSDI benefits. WIPA produced the following newsletter entitled “Employment Resource Guide for Persons with Disabilities”, which sought to succinctly list services available to individuals with disabilities who wish to work. Some of these resources include Family Savings Accounts and information about the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program.

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Community Integration Nursing Facility In-Reach Project

This brief piece explains the steps involved in the transition process in Nevada including the services and supports available and the agency that provides referral for those seeking transition from an institutional setting. The goal of the project was to divert people from institutionalization and/or transition people from institutional care into a less restrictive environment.

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Consumer Directed Attendant Support Program: Brochure and Application

The Colorado Dept. of Health Care Policy & Financing (HCPF) developed a program that enables people with disabilities to manage their own attendant services. In the CDAS, people hire, train, supervise and fire their own attendants. They set their own attendant schedules and to a degree they determine what services the attendants provide. HCPF is not accepting applications for the CDAS at this time however, the forms provide an overview of the program and serve as templates for similar programs.

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Myths and Facts about Americans with Disabilities Act: Fact Sheets

The Alaska MIG grant has developed three fact sheets about the Americans with Disabilities Act. The first sheet explains the ADA, offers definitions, major provisions, and enforcement information. A second page explains general misconceptions about the law. The third sheet explains how the ADA covers employment issues.

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Work as an Expectation: Supported Employment as an Evidence Based Practice

What is Supported Employment? The following presentations, brochures and manuals explain the ways that supported employment helps consumers find and maintain meaningful jobs in the community. The Alaska MIG grantees have shared two presentations and brochure on the principles of supported employment. The manual is designed as a guide for employment specialist.

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