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AIRS Standards and Quality Indicators for Professional Information and Referral - 7th edition

What are the current realities, practices and needs of the I&R field? The Version 7.0 of the AIRS Standards is a comprehensive upgrade to the guide that offers foundation and credentialing outlines. Some of the changes from the previous version are relatively minor such as modifications in the wording of the Standard or relocation of a Quality Indicator to another Standard, to add clarity. In addition to these changes, there is the creation of a new Technology Standard (Standard 25).

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Guide to Support Group Partnership

Support groups are recognized as a valuable psychosocial dynamic to promote insight unique to personal circumstances. Individuals who have similar life experiences can honestly relate with a “been there, done that, still here” testimony. The following information will review the psychosocial importance, the developmental process, and the maintenance of support groups. Professionals working in any specialized area are often asked about support groups and are called upon to implement such groups.

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Aging and Disability Network Participant Direction Toolkit

Review this one-stop resource created by a team of agencies to help providers better understand, develop, and sustain participant-directed programs. The information is applicable whether funded by the Older Americans Act, Veterans Health Administration, State funds or other. The toolkit has two parts: one devoted to designing, managing and evaluating programs; the second on Financial Management Services (FMS). Resources include articles, forms, webinar recordings, state examples and charts.

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Recommendations for Conducting High Quality Systematic Evidence Reviews

This brief provides recommendations for conducting high quality systematic reviews. Systematic reviews can be useful for policy decision makers to draw accurate lessons from a large assortment of relevant studies because they identify, assess, and synthesize key pieces of evidence on policy or program effectiveness. Increasing high quality systematic reviews will provide decision makers with a greater number of useful evidence summaries that can inform decision making.

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National Emphasis Program – Nursing and Residential Care Facilities

Program provides guidance for a three-year effort to use OSHA outreach & inspections to reduce specific occupational hazards in nursing & residential care facilities. The Department of Labor identified the following hazards: Exposure to blood & other potentially infectious material; Exposure to other communicable diseases; Ergonomic stressors related to lifting patients; Workplace violence; Slips, trips, and falls; Exposure to hazardous chemicals & drugs.

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Volunteer Respite Manual: Creating Valuable Options for Family Caregivers

This manual is meant to help community-based programs assess their individual needs, plan & implement volunteer respite programs and assist state Lifespan Respite programs as they address the requirements in the Lifespan Respite Care Act to build respite capacity through volunteer training & recruitment. Review text boxes throughout the document with resources for reading further, highlights of National Volunteer Respite Initiatives plus examples of local volunteer respite programs.

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The Technical Assistance Center for the Balancing Incentive Program

This site offers a wealth of information for anyone seeking clarification about the Balancing Incentive Program. It also provides numerous resources States will find useful when pursuing the benefits offered by the Program, including: The Program Application; The Implementation Manual; A user-friendly Work Plan; A user-friendly CSA/CDS crosswalk; Frequently Asked Questions; Webinars; Additional resources on the web; and beyond.

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Functional Needs of People with Disabilities: A Guide for Emergency Managers, Planners & Responders

This Guide highlights key disability concerns to officials and experts responsible for emergency planning in their communities. It seeks to assist them in developing plans that will take into account the needs and insights of people with disabilities before, during, and after emergencies. It also is designed to help emergency managers, planners, and responders make the best use of resources in the emergency preparedness planning process.

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The Balancing Incentive Program: Implementation Manual

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, along with Mission Analytics Group & Human Services Research Institute, created an implementation manual for the Balancing Incentive Program. The Program encourages states to increase the percentage of long-term care dollars going to home & community-based services through making additional Federal Medical Assistance Percentages available to States that are currently lower performing. This manual aims to help States make the most of this Program.

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