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Recruiting, Hiring, Retaining, and Promoting People with Disabilities: A Resource Guide for Employers

This guide for employers compiles key federal and federally-funded resources related to the employment of people with disabilities. The guide outlines best practices for recruitment, retention, promotion, and provision of accommodations for employees with disabilities. The guide also includes an explanation of the legal framework of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.

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Beyond Driving with Dignity: Program & Workbook

This training and certification program has been designed to arm certain professionals with tools necessary to help older drivers and their families work through the complicated issue of age-related diminishing driving skills. The training and certification program supplements your current professional skills and life experiences with a very pro-active, targeted program that will help older drivers and their loved ones work through a retirement from driving.

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A Primer for State Aging Directors and Executive Staff State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program

This document is designed to enable new State Unit on Aging (SUA) Directors to quickly understand the unique role of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program (SLTCOP). The Older Americans Act (OAA) establishes this program with responsibilities that make it different from other aging programs. Within the network of services provided under the OAA, the LTCOP has some mandates that set it apart from other services.

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Adult Service Agencies’ Summaries - Utah

How has Utah used it's MIG grant to better serve its disabled population? The Mission of the Division of Services for People with Disabilities (DSPD) is to provide long-term supports and services. This handout summaries the agencies' goals, application requirements, services, eligibility and includes a separate section geared specifically to the blind and visually impaired. Written for potential clients, it can also provide a detailed outline of how any state could structure their own program.

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Behavioral Health Treatment Needs Assessment Toolkit for States

In an effort to assist state agencies in planning for the specific behavioral health needs of emerging populations in their state, this toolkit provides state and national estimates of behavioral health disorders and program utilization, as well as step-by-step instructions to generate projections of health benefits, services and providers that will need to be addressed in the future. This resource can be helpful for mental health and substance use agencies, health plans, and Medicaid agencies.

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The Managed Fee-for-Service Option to Integrate Care for Dual-Eligibles: A Guide for State Advocates

CMS created a financial alignment demonstration to better promote coordinated care for dual-eligibles. The fee-for-service managed care model has received less attention than capitated managed care. However, this model could be useful in states or regions where traditional managed care organizations are not well established or do not function well. This brief makes some assessments of the advantages and difficulties of the model and identifies elements necessary for successful implementation.

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Guidance to States using 1115 Demonstrations or 1915(b) Waivers for Managed Long Term Services and Supports Programs

CMS has released two important documents that outline essential elements of MLTSS programs that are in line with current best practices. The first document summarizes these essential elements and the second provides guidance for incorporating these essential elements into MLTSS programs operating under section 1115 or 1915(b) authorities. These standards will be used when CMS reviews states’ design, implementation and operation of MLTSS programs for approval and ongoing quality assurance.

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Basically CDBG - Course Training Manual

This training manual guides Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) grantees in the implementation of local CDBG programs. This manual covers essential topics ranging from CDBG's national objectives to the details of administration. The manual includes 20 topical chapters that clearly delineate the application process, eligible grant activities, various CDBG programs and their standards, as well as performance measurement and reporting.

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Self-Directed Budget Enhances Access to Home Health and Other Needed Services, Resulting in Fewer Unmet Needs, Better Health Outcomes, and High Satisfaction for Medicaid Beneficiaries

What They Did. Did It Work? How They Did It and Adoption Considerations. These are all the questions that the Policy Innovations Profile will answer about Cash & Counseling. As a voluntary alternative to traditional agency-delivered home care, a joint public-private program gives Medicaid enrollees a monthly allowance for home care and related services that they can spend at their own discretion. Review the evidence. tools and resources and otherimplementation tips.

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AIRS Standards and Quality Indicators for Professional Information and Referral - 7th edition

What are the current realities, practices and needs of the I&R field? The Version 7.0 of the AIRS Standards is a comprehensive upgrade to the guide that offers foundation and credentialing outlines. Some of the changes from the previous version are relatively minor such as modifications in the wording of the Standard or relocation of a Quality Indicator to another Standard, to add clarity. In addition to these changes, there is the creation of a new Technology Standard (Standard 25).

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