Links / Websites

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Institute for Healthcare Improvement Website

The National Forum on Quality Improvement in Health Care is the premier \"meeting place\" for people committed to improving health care. a not-for-profit organization driving the improvement of health by advancing the quality and value of healthcare. This Website includes measures and tools in 11 topic areas, such as improvement, chronic conditions, and patient safety. IHI is a reliable source of energy, knowledge, and support for a never-ending campaign to improve health care worldwide.

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Florida Statewide Quality Assurance Program (FSQAP)Website

The Delmarva Foundation for Medical Care assists the State of Florida in improving the quality of care for Florida citizens with developmental disabilities. This website is one part of our Fl Quality Assurance Program & includes: Resource Center with training and information opportunities for providers, consumers, family members and other stakeholders; Waiver Support Coordination Consultation (WiSCC) Tool for DD; Collaborative Outcomes Review and Enhancement Review (CORE) Protocol also for DD.

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File Downloads / Links Website and Start Up Material is an online directory of services designed to help people in identify resources such as human services, information and referral, financial assistance, and other forms of aid and assistance within the state. This entry also includes a presentation on the IT Architecture, Request for Proposal forms, and a community introduction letter

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The Cross Cultural Health Care Program Website

Recognizing the diversity and the different ways to health, the mission of the Cross Cultural Health Care Program is to serve as a bridge between communities and health care institutions to ensure full access to quality health care that is culturally and linguistically appropriate. Through a combination of cultural competency trainings, interpreter trainings, research projects, community coalition building, and other services, the CCHCP serves as a bridge.

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Return on Investment Calculator: A Tool for Analyzing State Investment in Direct Care Worker Wages

The ROI calculator allows states to analyze the economic & social impact of additional investment in the wages of direct-care staff working in their personal care services programs. Designed to incorporate a wide range of factors--including the size of a proposed wage increase, staff turnover costs and retention rates, and issues related to implementation design--the calculator provides state policymakers with an easy-to-use tool for identifying the real costs and benefits of a wage increase.

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National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA) website

The Housing Finance Agencies (HFAs) created NCSHA as a nonprofit organization in 1974 to coordinate and leverage their federal advocacy efforts for affordable housing. NCSHA works on three federally authorized programs: Mortgage Revenue Bonds (MRBs), Housing Credit, & HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) program. The website offers news on housing, books, exemplary HFA Initiatives, advocacy and conference information and Industry Job Opportunities.

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Social Marketing Resources and Websites

Provided here are serveral articles, resources & a presentation on social marketing. Social marketing is the planning and implementation of programs designed to bring about social change using concepts from commercial marketing. Key Concepts: -A social or behavior change strategy -Most effective when it activates people -Targeted to those who have a reason to care & who are ready for change -Strategic & requires efficient use of resources -Integrated & works on the “installment plan”

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