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Understanding Medicaid Briefing Transcript

The Alliance for Health Reform offered a briefing on Medicaid fundamentals, for those wanting to brush up on their knowledge as well as those new to the subject. Speakers included Senator Jay Rockefeller, Alliance for Health Reform, Ed Howard, Alliance for Health Reform, Diane Rowland, Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured Rodney Whitlock, Senate Finance Committee Republican Staff, Alan Weil, NASHP The transcript, materials, webcast and evaluation are all available.

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A Quick Guide to Understanding the Quality Enhancement Licensure and Certification Survey Process and Tool (QUEST)

Since the inception of the survey and certification process in 1994, the Dept. of Mental Retardation in Massachusetts has been assessing the quality of supports provided by both public and private providers to help individuals obtain important outcomes in their lives. This evaluation process formed the basis for certifying/licensing agencies to provide services. This web link describes services that are subject to licensure, defines the levels, outcomes and survey results.

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Access to Community Transportation Services for Individuals with Disabilities

This report focuses the development of increased access to community transportation services for individuals with disabilities as part of the Access to Services project in Maine. The report includes a summary of grant activity, lessons learned throughout the project, and recommendations for next steps to sustain the work of this grant. The specific project goal was as follows: To make transportation more available and responsive to persons with disabilities.

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Negotiating the Funding Maze: Research Findings from the Youth With Disabilities Flexible Funding Project

This report brings together the research, analysis, and conclusions of the work completed under Maine’s Quality Choices grant concerning flexible funding systems for youth with developmental disabilities as they establish themselves in ‘adult’ communities on their road to independent living. The report includes a review of the project history and implementation, research findings Strategies and Recommendations, and a Fiscal Roadmap.

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Roadmap for Change:

This website is the site for the Maine Quality Choices grant. Maine’s Work Group for Community-Based Living includes a broad array of consumer and state representatives from five departments (Transportation, Labor, Education, Human Services, and Behavioral and Developmental Services). The website offers information on the Work Group, Accessing Services, Community Living, Data Integration, Person-Centered Services, Quality Improvement, Workforce and a Project Index.

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Ticket to Work: Inside Ticket Winter 2005 Newsletter

The Ticket to Work and Self-Sufficiency Program is an employment program for people with disabilities who are interested in going to work. The quarterly newsletter covers marketplace news, opportunities and experiences. This Winter 2005 issues details a new EN Promising Practices Anthology and spotlights a South Florida program. The Newsletter also has an events calendar and a list of Recently Approved Employment Network Providers.

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The National Core Indicators Website

The National Core Indicators website is a collaboration among participating NASDDDS member state agencies and HSRI, with the goal of developing a systematic approach to performance and outcome measurement. The website offers information on the phases of the project, progress, summary and final reports, presentations and other tools. The site also extends the invitation to other states to join in the multi-state collaborative effort to improve performance.

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Assistive Technology Solutions in Minutes Book and Toolkit

A must have book for everyone and anyone who wants to learn low cost assistive technology (A.T.) solutions that can be constructed in five minutes or less. This book is filled with over 600 color photographs of innovative fabrication techniques for constructing A.T. solutions for home, school, work, and play. A companion 42 Piece A.T. Tools and Materials Kit is also available. Both items can be purchased at

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Understanding Medicare and Medicaid: Fundamentals and Issues for the New Congress

This electronic briefing book was distributed at a seminar requested by congressional staff to provide an overview of the Medicare, Medicaid, and State Children’s Health Insurance programs. The sessions featured experts from the Government Accountability Office, Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, Congressional Research Service, and Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, plus public and private entities. This link contains presentations, handouts, reports, websites, and other resources.

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Wisconsin Regulatory Requirement for Pre-Admission Consultation Referrals

This link provides information on the requirements in Wisconsin for the Aging and Disabilty Resource Centers (ADRC). The attachments include: the administrative rules to implement the pre-admission consultation (PAC) referral requirements; a link to the webpage that describes the pre-admission consultation process and provides links to additional materials; and a document that contains information and data for Wisconsin Preadmission Counseling Referrals during the quarter ending March 31, 2004.

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