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Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS)- Alerting the Whole Community: Removing Barriers to Alerting Accessibility

IPAWS is a modernization and integration of the nation’s alert and warning infrastructure. This paper serves to demonstrate how IPAWS addresses the challenges of reaching the whole community, including the 25% of our population who might need assistance. It offers evidence that while IPAWS doesn't solve all of the challenges, it can certainly mitigate them, particularly with greater stakeholder engagement and public awareness. Emerging technologies that could improve accessibility are reviewed.

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Disability and Technical Assistance Center National Network of ADA Centers

The Network consists of 10 regional centers funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), a division of the U.S. Department of Education. The mission is to provide information and Technical Assistance on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to individuals, organizations and employers. They provide training materials, referrals, and a searchable database of legal documents, fact sheets and checklists.

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ADAPT Advocacy Materials on Community Choice Act

ADAPT is a group of self-advocates working for civil rights for people with disabilities. Follow the link to see their arguments and evidence in support the Community Choice Act. The Act would establish a national program of community-based attendant services and supports, regardless of a person’s age or disability, and allow them to choose where they receive services. Materials include talking points, summaries, links to the bills, and updates on status and actions related to the Act.

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Online Caregiver Training – Connecticut

Through this interactive training, family caregivers can learn about available resources and train themselves on how to deal with common challenges. Some of the resources featured are links to agencies and senior centers, care locator tools, and descriptions of helpful programs. Trainings cover how to recognize and prevent stress, improve communications with family members and service providers, and address conflicts.

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The Village Movement -- Community Approaches To Aging: Presentation & Website

Villages are a grassroots effort to address the current and unfolding challenges of an older America. Originally started in MA in 2000, the concept arose out of older community members’ desire to reside in their own homes while being able to access services that address their needs related to aging. In Village arrangements, members pay an annual fee and pool their funds to collectively purchase services. The Village-to-Village website offers resources for communities starting programs.

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Monthly Data Series on the Employment Status of People with a Disability

The Bureau of Labor Statistics began publishing this data series in January 2009. It is gathered through the Current Population Survey, which began identifying persons with a disability age 16 and older in the civilian noninstitutional population in June, 2008. These materials provide information on comparisons with other data sources, variability of the data, and the types of data available. Additionally, links to historical data and alternate formats are given.

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The Disability Law Handbook

Meant for individuals with disabilities and entities that have obligations under disabilities law, the handbook provides basic information about disability rights and resources for finding out more. The book is in a Q and A format while the website is organized by topic. Employment, services and programs, public accommodations, housing, education, transportation, and technology and communications are all discussed.

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Postsecondary Education Options for Students with Intellectual Disabilities

Being part of campus life, taking classes, and learning to navigate a world of high expectations develops the skills needed for successful adult life. This brief presents: definitions of "postsecondary education" and "intellectual disability"; an overview of education options; research findings on education options and outcomes; recommendations for improving access; and a bibliography with a list of websites.

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