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Director - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Office of Minority Health (OMH)

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is seeking a Director for the Office of Minority Health (OMH) at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). The Director will provide strategic leadership and serve as the senior CMS authority and principal advisor to the Administrator for the advancement of health equity and the elimination of racial, ethnic and geographic health disparities. Key responsibilities include leading the integration of health equity in CMS policies and programs, developing policies to address the unique health needs of minority and disadvantaged populations, supporting CMS centers and offices in advancing health equity, managing a CMS-wide data collection system for minority health activities...

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Racial Justice Fellowship - Justice in Aging

Justice in Aging is currently accepting applications for its Racial Justice Fellowship for Summer 2024. They are seeking a rising 3L (current 2L) law student who is passionate about advocating for low-income and underserved populations and possesses strong legal research and writing skills. This full-time, remote, paid fellowship will involve work full-time with attorneys on multiple projects that integrate Justice in Aging’s core programs (health care, economic security, housing, and elder justice) and focus on racial justice. The selected fellow will receive a $8,000 stipend, mentorship from experienced attorneys, and the opportunity to craft a post-graduate fellowship application...

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Colin Alexander Health Law Fellowship - Justice in Aging

Colin Alexander Health Law Fellowship - Justice in Aging Justice in Aging is currently accepting applications for its Colin Alexander Health Law Fellowship for Summer 2024. They are seeking a rising 3L (current 2L) law student who is passionate about advocating for low-income and underserved populations and possesses strong legal research and writing skills. This full-time, remote, paid fellowship will involve working on various projects related to Medicare, Medicaid, and healthcare programs affecting older adults. The selected fellow will receive a $8,000 stipend, mentorship from experienced attorneys, and the opportunity to craft a post-graduate fellowship application.Applications should be submitted to by...

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Senior Analyst - Northern Virginia Government

Northern Virginia Government contractor is seeking an experienced professional to join their team supporting the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) as a Senior Analyst. The ideal candidate should have a Master's degree in public health, policy, or a related field, along with prior experience in CMS, Long Term Supports and Services, and Home and Community-Based Services, Aging, and Disability policy at the state or Federal level. The position involves interpreting policy and regulations, providing technical assistance to states, developing resources, and conducting policy analysis. Candidates should have at least 7 years of state government experience, including 3 years of program/project management, and a Bachelor's Degree...

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Deputy Commissioner for Aging Services- Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS)

The Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) is seeking a Deputy Commissioner for their new Division for Aging Services. This role will involve providing direction and leadership to a diverse statewide system of aging services, including overseeing services provided by Virginia's 25 Area Agencies on Aging, Virginia's No Wrong Door program, and discretionary grant programs. The Deputy Commissioner will also be responsible for managing the division's budget, IT, and administration, as well as providing leadership to the Commonwealth Council on Aging and the Alzheimer's and Related Disorders Commission. The ideal candidate should have extensive knowledge of the needs of older adults and relevant laws, along with...

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State Unit Operations Team Leader

Vermont’s Department of Disabilities, Aging & Independent Living is seeking a candidate for the position of State Unit Operations. As a leader in the Sate Unit on Aging (SUA), this job requires working with the federal government, community partners, and supervising two team members. This role includes overseeing and monitoring OAA nutrition and disease prevention programs. The application is open to any State employees and external applicants. Candidates must be a registered dietician or a registered nutritionist in order to be considered for this position. Candidates should also have experience in mental health, aging populations, disability programs, and/or other related areas.

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Associate Director of Policy - SNP Alliance

The SNP Alliance is seeking an Associate Director of Policy to help with the development of SNP Alliance policy goals that are geared towards improving the health and well-being of individuals in circumstances where they require complex needs through specialized managed care. This role is responsible for maintaining relationships with CMS, leading the development of responses to Proposed Medicaid, Medicare Regulations, Congressional legislation, and MedPAC or MACPAC. The Associate Director of Policy would also contribute support to members through virtual education, developing and managing a learning platform, and meetings...

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Senior Attorney - Medicare

Justice in Aging is seeking an attorney with at least five years of experience, expertise in Medicare, and a strong commitment to advancing equity, to join their Health Team. The ideal candidate would have experience at the state and/or federal level working on integration issues for the large population of low-income older adults who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid and be passionate about using our equity framework to advance equity for this population.

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Medicaid Managed Care Principal Analyst

MACPAC is currently hiring a Principal Analyst specializing in Medicaid Managed Care. This role requires extensive knowledge of Medicaid and CHIP programs, particularly in relation to the delivery and financing of services through managed care. The Principal Analyst will collaborate with MACPAC colleagues to conduct qualitative and quantitative analyses on various policy areas, including payment models, social determinants of health, access, quality, and program integrity. The ideal candidate should possess strong critical thinking, policy analysis, and project management skills, along with a deep understanding of state and federal Medicaid and CHIP policies. This full-time position offers federal employee health and retirement benefits...

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Long-Term Services and Supports Principal Analyst

MACPAC is seeking a candidate for the position of Long Term Services and Supports Principal Analyst. This role requires a seasoned expert in Medicaid and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) policy with a focus on long-term services and supports. This role involves conducting rigorous research projects on Medicaid and CHIP topics, leading the development of MACPAC's research agenda, and applying subject matter expertise to analyze proposed policies and emerging issues. The analyst will also be responsible for preparing technical analyses to support congressional staff, effectively communicating complex information to diverse audiences, ensuring the quality of MACPAC's work, and representing the organization in stakeholder...

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