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Employment, Disability and Medicaid-Buy-In Program Reports: Massachusetts

Developed by the MI–CEO Grant, a report on the employment of people with disabilities in Massachusetts intends to provide people with disabilities, advocates, policymakers, researchers and other interested parties an overview of the status and trends in employment of people with disabilities. Another report uses new longitudinal, person-level data to support the analysis of the Medicaid Buy-In (MBI) programs in Massachusetts.

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A Reporter's Toolkit: Medicaid

Supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, this toolkit features key facts, a brief background section, story ideas, lists of selected experts, websites, and a glossary. Designed for reporters, the resources will be useful for congressional staff, researchers, health policy students and many others. This toolkit explains who Medicaid covers, how it is financed, how it differs from Medicare, how states can alter Medicaid through federal waivers, and what the future holds for the program.

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Long-Term Services and Supports: The Future Role and Challenges for Medicaid

According to a report by the Kaiser Foundation, Medicaid has become the major payer for long-term services and supports to low-income individuals, and a safety-net for those who become impoverished as a result of long-term care needs. In addition to concerns about the high costs of long-term care, recent developments have drawn attention to challenges facing Medicaid as a provider of long-term care. This paper describes these challenges and other issues facing the Medicaid program going forward.

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Funding and Service Recommendations for Transitioning Older Adults: An Examination of Illinois’ Money Management Participants

This report from the Illinois RCSC Rebalancing Grant, quantifies the actual expenses faced by older residents living in the community and applies it to those living in a nursing home seeking reintegration to community living. Furthermore, it hopes to identify a floor of income required to sustain community residency. The analysis should be helpful in formulating system changes for programs including eligibility standards and policies.

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The Impact of Premium Changes on CommonHealth-Working Enrollment

In 2003, Massachusetts substantially increased premiums charged to enrollees in its CommonHealth-Working (CH-W) program. This study evaluates the impact of the premium change on enrollment. Findings indicate the premium increase had a small, but statistically significant impact on program exits. Key factors as to why the CH-W experience differs from other state programs experiencing similar enrollment declines are discussed. A report and presentation of the study are included.

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Disability Data Resources: Office of Disability Employment Policy Website

Who are people with disabilities? What do we know about people with disabilities? How many individuals with disabilities use assistive devices? How many people with disabilities are working? What are people with disabilities' demographics? Numerous resources are available to provide statistical data to answer these questions and provide information on other disability related topics. This website compiles a list of other sites which have disability data readily accessible.

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Will Medicaid Buy-In Participants Work and Earn More if Social Security Rules Change?

The brief reports findings of a survey to assess how many Kansas Working Healthy Medicaid Buy-In participants would likely increase their employment and earnings under a gradual Social Security Disability Insurance offset program. 25% of the respondents would try to work and earn more if this program was available and 25% maybe would do so. Researchers suggest benefit offset programs coupled with existing Medicaid Buy-In programs have potential to increase employment and earnings for people.

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As Tough Times Wane, States Act to Improve Medicaid Coverage and Quality: Results from a 50-State Medicaid Budget Survey for State Fiscal Years 2007 and 2008

The annual 50-state survey of state officials on Medicaid and state budget actions reports enrollment in Medicaid declined. This decline was driven primarily by two factors. States reported new citizenship documentation requirements were causing delays in processing applications, affecting individuals already eligible for the program. State officials also cited good economy and lower unemployment for reducing enrollment. 42 states expect to expand coverage to the uninsured in the next year.

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State Approaches to Consumer Direction in Medicaid

The Center for Health Care Strategies, Inc. summarizes findings from a survey of Medicaid agencies to identify which consumer-directed approaches are being considered and implemented. Findings show growing trends toward consumer direction, agencies initiating policies to reward health-related behaviors and increasingly allocating control of funds to recipients, and states interest in health savings account-like plans and increasingly providing health plan quality data to the public.

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