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Support, Service, and Satisfaction: Resolving Problems with Home Health, Personal Care and/or Homemaker Service Agencies

The Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing received a Real Choice Grant for quality and created this brochure for consumers as part of their quality improvement activities. This tool provides strategies, resources, and guidelines for addressing home care concerns and, when necessary how to file complaints.

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Incident Reporting Forms and Policies: Connecticut

The Department of Mental Retardation (DMR) has established a system of reporting and monitoring incidents that occur with individuals served by the department in order to identify, manage and reduce overall risk for the individual. This procedure delineates a standardized process for reporting, documentation and follow-up of reportable incidents as defined, involving individuals served by the department. This reporting system helps implement individual plans and assists in quality oversight.

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Intake and Referral Information: Bangor ADRC

The Bangor Eastern Agency on Aging ADRC project has shared a number of resources involving the Intake and Referral Process. The first is their policies which provide staff guidelines for consistency. The second resource is their intake questions to help record and collect information. Lastly, they have shared their feedback referral process and how to make this simple and accessible by the consumers.

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SOAR (SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery) Project

The Pre-SOAR (SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access, and Recovery) Data Form will be used by Oregon to capture, evaluate and report outcomes for the SOAR Technical Assistance project. The purpose is to monitor improvement, as a result of SOAR training, in accessing SSI and SSDI benefits for eligible people disabled by mental illness.

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Vulnerable Adult Reporting System- Minnesota

This document outlines the methodology for assessing alternatives for meeting the state of Minnesota’s need for a Vulnerable Adult Reporting and Investigation System (VARIS). The report also defines the capabilities of the existing Social Services Information System (SSIS). A description of viable alternatives is included along with an assessment of each, as well as a recommended direction for moving forward.

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Reportable Events Policy & Procedures: Maryland

Maryland has developed this policy guide which describes the process, monitoring, reporting and oversight of Reportable Events for the Autism Waiver, Living at Home Waiver and Older Adults Waiver and also includes a flowchart and a Reportable Events Form. The purpose of this policy is to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of participants in the Home and Community-Based Services waivers by formalizing a process to identify, report, and resolve Reportable Events (ie., incidents or complaints).

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Diversion and Transition Services in the U.S. Promising Practices and Options for the Future

The report describes programs in various states whose primary purpose is nursing facility diversion or transition and identifies promising practices that have helped states divert or transition individuals from nursing facilities. Drawing upon those experiences, the report provides a variety of recommendations for states to consider in addressing the barriers and strengthening efforts to divert and transition individuals from nursing facilities.

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Setting Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: Determining the Scope of a Resource File

How do Information and Referral Centers establish guidelines for inclusion in, and exclusion from, their resource databases? This overview from the National Aging I&R Support Center with permission from Information and Referral: The Journal of the Alliance of Information and Referral Systems discusses the need for formal criteria. Sample inclusion/exclusion criteria are appended.

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Information & Referral Database Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria

The Florida Department of Elder Affairs has set forth inclusion and exclusion guidelines for the integrated statewide information and referral database. This database will serve as a single point of access for information, counseling, referrals, assessment and eligibility functions, which will maximize consumer choice. The database includes entities that serve both Florida’s elders and their families, and adults suffering from severe and persistent mental illness.

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