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Community Development Society Website and Newsletter

The Community Development Society provides leadership to professionals and citizens across the spectrum of community development. Members have multiple opportunities to learn what's new in the profession, to exchange ideas, to obtain the most current research and reference information available and to share professional expertise. They offer a annual conference, publications, and listservs. The current issue of CD Practice focuses on Strategic Partnering: Partnering For Change.

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Planning for the Future: A Guidebook to Being Prepared

This guidebook/workbook is designed to help caregivers work with their families to share information, get organized and plan for the future. The packet includes lots of important information to help families become, and stay, organized and informed, keeping much-needed information available for quick, organized access. Much of the information is about healthcare and medical records as well as other important numbers for bank accounts, real estate holdings, property titles, and service providers.

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Tennessee Personal Assistant Supports & Services: Self-Assessment Tool and User\'s Guide

The ARC of Tennessee developed this Personal Assistance Supports and Services Guide to provide people with disabilities the information & tools needed to hire and manage a Personal Assistant. Consumers first complete the self-assessment tool to determining needs. This entry also includes the user's guide and evaluation feedback form.

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National Governors Association Recommends Best Practices for Supporting Home Care Workers

These two papers outline ways governors can support caregivers who assist people who need in-home services. State Support, lists strategies to help both kinds of caregivers as they restructure their LTC systems. A Lifetime of Health & Dignity recommends that officials inform home care workers about their eligibility for the Earned Income Tax Credit, assist in the development of employer health insurance purchasing pools, & connect low-wage workers to support systems.

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Inventory of Community Service and Support Needs for Transition from Nursing Facilities to Community

The Inventory of Community Services & Supports was designed by the Texas Nursing Home Transition project as a comprehensive profile of the requirements of an individual seeking to relocate from a nursing facility to a community residence. It was intended to be a working document, developed over time as decisions are made about the services and supports for an individual.

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Aging and Disability Resource Centers Toolbox

The Aging and Disability Resource Center Grant Program, was developed to assist states in their efforts to create a single, coordinated system of information and access for all persons seeking long term support. This toolbox has been developed for ADRC grantees to: 1) List and succinctly explain the AoA-CMS requirements per each topic, and 2) provide materials that will support the design, development and operation of resource centers.

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