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Supporting and Encouraging Employment – Washington

How successful is Washington State's MIG program? A study found that Healthcare for Workers with Disabilities (HWD) program participants were more likely to be employed, had higher earnings and more stable Medicaid coverage, and relied less on the Basic Food program in the year following enrollment than very similar people covered by conventional Medicaid. For more details, read the attached MBI Evaluation Report, which could also be helpful to other states with MIG grants.

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Marketing Discussion Groups

How are states marketing their MIG programs? California went to an outside research company to conduct a marketing study. The attached presentation and results outline the details and findings of this study. Some of the topics addressed are the current employment process, employment resources, and perceptions of messaging statements. This presentation ends by providing insights to action. Though created for California programs this study could provide valuable marketing tips to other MIG states.

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Risk Assessment Profile - Personal Preference – New Jersey

These forms were developed for the Personal Preference program which began as part of a national research and demonstration project whose goal was to find new ways for individuals to receive Medicaid Personal Care Assistance (PCA) services. This form was used to assess the participant’s level of functioning and potential risk reduction factors. Scaling includes questions about living arrangements, medications, communication and mobility.

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Health Risk Assessment Process - Pennsylvania

Examine the results of health assessments of 584 people receiving services from the PA Office of Mental Retardation. The information represents a portion of the data obtained through the Health Risk Assessment process, which began as an initiative to gather health care information on people who had moved, or were in the process of moving, from state operated facilities to community settings. A number of recommendations for improvement are discussed.

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Iowa Aging and Disability Resource Center Pilot Sites - Evaluation Report

Review an evaluation of the Johnson County and Linn County Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) pilot sites. The evaluation assesses the process and outcomes of establishing a standardized entry point to long-term care supports and services, with emphasis on the role of the Options Counselor (OC) at both sites. Copies of surveys and interview techniques used are included.

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MWD Report 2009 – Idaho

Interested in statistical analysis of MIG grant programs? The following presentation represents Idaho’s Medicaid for Workers with Disabilities (MWD) program. The program’s history and its’ current state are outlined here alongside graphs and charts with corresponding data. It’s an example of how to chart out a state’s MIG program alongside statistical analysis and could be beneficial to other states looking to do the same.

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Client Self-Reporting of Employment Supports – Nebraska

What do Nebraska’s Medicaid Insurance for Workers with Disabilities (MIWD) clients think about the employment supports offered them through the MIG funded program? In December, 2007 current clients were asked to participate in a telephone survey, which was a follow-up to a more extensive evaluation finalized in April 2007. The methodology, goal and summary of the findings are included here and could be helpful to other states looking to improve the effectiveness of their employment supports.

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Benefits Planning Workshop - Hawaii

Hawaii’s Medicaid Infrastructure Grant held a benefits planning workshop in 2008 to inform the community about ways for disability beneficiaries to return to work. Case managers, consumers and benefits planners were invited to attend. At the conclusion, they were asked to rate their satisfaction with the overall workshop and with each session. The agenda and satisfaction results are presented here. It’s data that could prove helpful to any state interested in planning successful workshops.

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Telecommuting Assessment and Guide - Vermont

Is telecommuting a viable option for the disabled? The state of Vermont sent its’ Vocational Rehabilitation Counselors a self assessment asking just that, as well as a document outlying the risks of direct selling and multi-level marketing. The information in these documents provide counselors with a tool to help disabled workers find and retain work, and provide a general outline of information, including links to national online resources, which could be useful to any state.

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