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AD Waiver Monitoring Nurse Tools and Database - West Virginia

The WV QA/QI grant designed and developed database as a monitoring tool. This entry includes 5 provider quality monitoring tools: Case Management, Client Home Visit, Homemaker, Personnel Files, Site (Case Management or Homemaker). The database was created by Donna Brewer, Database Administration at the Center for Excellence in Disabilities at WV University for the Quality Assurance & Improvement Project. The Bureau for Medical Services is the lead agency & the grant was funded by WV CMS

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Ohio Comprehensive Assessment and Review Tool (CART) Scope and Deliverables

Ohio has shared its Scope and Deliverables for its Comprehensive Assessment and Review Tool (CART) project. This document outlines the deliverables and timelines for the development of a generic data entry tool that will be used by the various business units currently performing quality assurance activities at the state level.

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Quality Waiver Review Database

This database, developed under Maine's QA/QI grant, helps to organize program design and QM system information in a way that is compatible with both CMS's Quality Framework and Review Protocol. Once information is entered into the system, the database can generate one page snapshots of a state's QM structure. <br> Please Note: You must download either database to your computer in order to run.

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First Central Connecticut Regional Forum on Community Inclusion, Wethersfield, CT - February 3, 2005

A Sharing of Ideas on Community Inclusion for People with Disabilities. Thie report caputures discussion from 9 participating towns who were represented by a range of elected and disability services officials. Several participants were individuals with disabilities or family members of people with disabilities. All present shared a desire to bring back their towns back ideas for enhancing local awareness of the barriers faced by people in becoming fully included and integrated into community.

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Pennsylvania Community Choice ADRC Survey and Assessment Instrument

The Pennsylvania ADRC program has developed a number of measurement instruments including three surveys and an assessment instrument. This program is a joint effort between Pennsylvania’s Office of Health Care Reform as well as the Departments of Aging and Public Welfare. The products include a survey for eligible, ineligible and enrolled consumers and a community choice assessment instrument.

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Challenging Cases Protocol

Washington developed this protocol for use when the recommended plan of care can not assure the health and welfare of recipients due to participant issues, environment, or resources. Addresses shared responsibility for participant safety. Addresses service denial and service termination. The purpose is to promote statewide consistency in dealing with difficult to serve clients before denying or terminating services.

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Comprehensive Assessment Reporting Evaluation (CARE) tool

Washington’s automated, comprehensive, person centered assessment and planning tool measures the personal care needs of anyone receiving services at home or in a residential setting and develops a care plan. The tool contains 60 different screens, some relate to risk. Participant selects a service setting and then the program computes eligibility, need and a service plan that crosses settings. The package contains: CARES Training Manual, CARES Assessment, Eligibility & Rates for LTC Services.

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Individual Support Plan System

Developed by Oregon’s Office of Home & Community these tools include consideration of 43 areas of risk and illustrates the state’s risk tracking documentation in Q&A format. They also provide instruction to staff with loops back to participant preference and guidance to protocols to address identified risks. Forms included: ISP Addendum, Financial & Individual Support Plan, Personal Focus Worksheet, Risk Training, Protocol for Aspiration, Constipation, Dehydration, Seizure and Signature Sheet.

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