Archived conference materials / Presentations

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Real Needs-Real Costs With an Eye Toward the Future Teleconference Presentation

Real Needs-Real Costs With an Eye Toward the Future: A Process for Developing Service Plans and Individual Budgets was presented on October 12, 2004 at a teleconference for CMS Independence Plus Grantees. The presentation draws on 6 years of prior experience in developing Consumer Directed Programs for adults at the Area Agency of Greater Nashua.

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Person-Centered Planning and Individual Budgeting Audio Conference

On October 12, 2004 the Community Living Exchange Collaborative at Rutgers Center for State Health Policy hosted a Self-Direction audio conference for Independence Plus and CPASS grantees to discuss Person-Centered Planning and Individual Budgeting. Presentations inlcuded CMS, Minnesota, Wyoming, and New Hampshire.

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Accessing Workers’ Compensation Insurance For Consumer-Employed PAS Workers: Issues and Promising Practices-Presentation

On Tuesday, September 28, 2004, Susan Flanagan presented her recent report: Accessing Workers' Compensation Insurance For Consumer-Employed PAS Workers. This study focused on workers’ compensation (WC) laws and systems as they pertain to domestic service workers, and in particular, personal assistance workers, in 50 states, the District of Columbia, five U.S. territories and the tribal government of the Navajo Nation.

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Children’s SED Waiver Conference Call

On August 23, 2004, the Community Living Exchange Collaborative at Rutgers Center for State Health Policy hosted a conference call on Children's SED Waivers presented to Community-based Treatment Alternatives for Children (CTAC) grantees. The agenda will included presentations from NY, KS, VT, IN, WI. Please note: This was an informal presentation to a small group of grantees.

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Exploring the Potential Use of MDS Section Q1 Conference Call

Call hosted by the Community Living Exchange Collaborative at Rutgers Center for State Health Policy with CMS and grantees to explore the potential use of the MDS section Q1 to identify people in nursing homes who want to relocate. We were joined by a member of our National Advisory Committee, Bob Kafka. We invited Money Follows the Person grantees and Nursing Home Transition grantees.

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Simplifying Access: Collaboration between State Aging and Medicaid Officials

Slides for conference call on collaboration between aging services and Medicaid. Presented by Glenn Stanton of CMS and John Wren of AoA, February 24, 2004. Topics: Promoting Balance in Long Term Care, ADRC Goals, ADRC – A Priority for CMS, State Agency Partnership, AoA’s Vision for Long Term Care.

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South Carolina Aging and Disability Resource Center Program Materials

The following posting contains many documents from the South Carolina Lower Savannah Council on Governments. Attachments include a description of planned grant activities and functional relationship graphics. There are three fact sheets which respond to questions presented at the 2004 National Association for Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) Conference: streamlining access, marketing and outreach, and information and assistance.

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Respite Grantee Conference Call May 12, 2004

The Community Living Exchange Collaborative at Rutgers Center for State Health Policy hosted a conference call for the Respite Grantees to discuss the outline for a proposed brief on the definition of respite. The agenda included an introduction by Susan Reinhard, the CMS perspective from Deidra Abbott on \"what is respite? - National perspectives and initiatives\", the state perspective from Bruce Whitten, Arkansas, and all participants had an opportunity for Q&A and general discussion

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