Announcement/Press release

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Medicaid Infrastructure Grant Outreach Materials - Nevada

In one stop, find numerous examples of how the state of Nevada provides outreach and information to its consumers with disabilities. The attached portfolio includes PowerPoint presentations, training materials, brochures, and advertisements that serve as helpful examples of how to successfully disseminate this important information.

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The DC Metro Business Leadership Network - District of Columbia, Virginia, and Maryland

How can we raise awareness that hiring individuals with disabilities makes good business sense? The mission of the DC Metro Business Leadership Network is to engage and inform regional businesses about the benefits of and resources available for active employment outreach to qualified individuals with disabilities. Attached are outreach materials created by this network.

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State Flexibility for Medicaid Benefit Packages – Final Rule

Effective July 1, 2010, this rule makes significant clarifications regarding benchmark benefits packages. States have utilized these packages to provide expanded HCBS beyond those available through the Medicaid State Plan. Clarifications include the provision of non-emergency medical transportation, and children’s access to the full range of Medicaid EPSDT benefits. The attached file contains the official text of the rule as entered into the Federal Registry.

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Improving PA Home and Community-Based Care - Training Initiative

A Southwestern Pennsylvania demonstration program has been initiated to promote relationship-centered care for elders and people living with disabilities in need of home and community-based services and supports. It involves a series of five three-day train-the-trainer programs based on the state model for personal care aides (PCAs). Included are the announcement and a fact sheet on direct-care workers in Pennsylvania.

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EmployAbility Event Press Release – Nevada

Using the media to get the word out about employment events for people with disabilities is a great marketing tool. The state of Nevada created the attached press release to announce an event being held to develop work skills of individuals with disabilities. A sample of this document is attached and could serve as a template for other states looking into marketing their events or programs.

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The Crunch Continues: Medicaid Spending, Coverage and Policy in the Midst of a Recession

Annual survey of all 50 States finds that during this time of recession the number of people on Medicaid is greatly increasing, as is the amount of money being spent on the program by individual States. Despite federal assistance from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), this leads to further strain on already tight State budgets. This trend is expected to continue & States should be expecting a predicted increase of 6.3% on Medicaid spending in the 2010 fiscal year.

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ADAPT Advocacy Materials on Community Choice Act

ADAPT is a group of self-advocates working for civil rights for people with disabilities. Follow the link to see their arguments and evidence in support the Community Choice Act. The Act would establish a national program of community-based attendant services and supports, regardless of a person’s age or disability, and allow them to choose where they receive services. Materials include talking points, summaries, links to the bills, and updates on status and actions related to the Act.

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