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AoA Community Living Program: Experiences from Four States

What are some of the highlights and milestones of the CLP programs? Review the presentations given at the The Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting on November 19-22, 2009. Officials from the Administration on Aging and representatives from Connecticut, Georgia, Massachusetts and New York on presented.

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Personal Profiles: Older Adults Who Have Transitioned from Private Automobile to Public Transit Use

NCST developed this resource to provide background information on mobility for older adults with disabilities and profiles five individuals who have successfully made the transition from personal vehicle to public transportation. The packet includes a profile template and a model release form that service providers can use to create personal profiles of senior transit users in their own communities.

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Colorado Transportation Survey: Aging and Mobility - 2007

A survey of AARP members in CO provides insights into how and why seniors use public transport or drive, and how these habits affect their well-being. The survey showed a heavy reliance on cars for transportation and independence, even when public transport is available. People with multiple health and disability problems were most likely to be isolated and have few transportation alternatives. Data reports are available for the entire state and each of the four urban areas surveyed.

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Transportation Disadvantaged: Progress in Implementing the New Freedom Program Has Been Limited, and Better Monitoring Procedures Would Help Ensure Program Funds Are Used as Intended

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) has released detailed briefing slides from a presentation on the New Freedom Program. The GAO examined the extent to which the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) has implemented the program and how FTA monitors program performance. The New Freedom Program is designed to support new public transportation services and alternatives beyond those required by the ADA. Review the progress, developing policies and procedures.

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Centers for Independent Livings (CIL) Pathfinder for Services and Programs for Older Americans

This resource guide was developed to help CILs: 1. understand specific needs and problems that are unique to older persons as they age, 2. understand the network of aging organizations including their organizational structure and funding sources, 3. help identify ways to network with these established “aging” agencies and 4. locate and tap into some of the monies that are available for “senior” programs. The guide has 13 sections covering topics from assistive technology to collaboration ideas.

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Connecticut Real Choice Consumer Survey

Are citizens with disabilities able to participate in all desired aspects of community life in the town in which they live? The Real Choice System Change Community Inclusion Assessment was launched “to determine the level and quality of inclusion in Connecticut communities.” Consumers with disabilities and their families were recruited to answer this survey both on-line and via telephone.

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United We Ride: Coordinating Human Services Transportation

United We Ride is an interagency Federal national initiative that supports States and their localities in developing coordinated human service delivery systems. In addition to State coordination grants, United We Ride provides State and local agencies a transportation-coordination and planning self-assessment tool, help along the way, technical assistance, and other resources to help their communities succeed

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The Policy Resource Center Brief: Employment and Disability

Gainful employment is entirely possible for people with disabilities and yet it remains outside the grasp for many who remain unemployed or grossly underemployed. Success in employment is caught in a vicious circle with the insufficiency of employment supports, health care coverage, education and training, and income potential. Further aggravating that cycle are barriers in transportation, child care, accessible and affordable housing.

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