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Crossing Great Divides: A Guide to Mobility Resources and Solutions in Indian Country

This resource guide highlights the importance of mobility options for American Indian elders and support the efforts of Title VI aging services and Tribal transit programs to provide transportation to elders living on reservations and Indian lands. Order the resource in hard copy from the NCST library or download the electronic version.

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Aging in Place, Stuck Without Options

By 2015, more than 15.5 million Americans 65 and older will live in communities where public transportation service is poor or non-existent. That number is expected to continue to grow rapidly as the baby boom generation “ages in place” in suburbs and exurbs with few mobility options for those who do not drive. This report ranks metro areas by the percentage of seniors with poor access to public transportation, now and in the coming years, and presents other data on aging and transportation.

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Caregivers of Veterans – Serving on the Homefront

While caregivers of veterans face similar situations as family caregivers in general, they also have unique challenges. The study reveals how providing care affects these caregivers’ lives, what organizations and information sources have been helpful to them, and what programs and services would support and assist them. Attached are links to the Full Report, Executive Summary in English and Spanish, Press Release, and a Key Findings Fact Sheet.

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The ADA 20 Years Later - 2010 Survey of Americans with Disabilities

Review the results of a survey that assesses the quality of life of people with disabilities on a wide range of critical dimensions and tracks them over time. A number of indicators were used, and findings show that while there has been modest improvement in a few areas, there has yet to be significant progress. Employment remained as the largest gap between people with disabilities and those without. Attached are links to the final report, executive summary, presentation and webinar.

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Michigan Profile of Publicly-Funded Long-Term Care Services

Ten grants were awarded to states to develop a profile of the publicly funded LTC system and to assist CMS to develop national benchmarks that will be used to measure the degree and success of states' efforts to offer community based LTC services. Review Michigan’s report which focuses on the priority population of the elderly and adults with physical disabilities, but also includes systems that serve adults with developmental disabilities, adults with mental illness and children.

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Own Your Future: Planning Guide for Long-Term Care – District of Columbia

Find an example of a comprehensive, user-friendly guide to long term care planning. Developed by the District of Columbia, this publication provides a detailed overview of long term care (LTC) options, and includes information on understanding the need for LTC, costs, financing, and service and support options. Easy to understand graphics and data are included. This guide can serve as an example for other organizations looking to develop similar consumer-oriented materials.

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Working Together e-News - Maine

Looking for sample e-newsletters funded by the MIG grant and geared towards employing people with disabilities? The state of Maine created 'Working Together e-News' as a way of providing timely, relevant, business-oriented information and updates for employers that are interested in diversifying Maine's workforce. An archive of these newsletters are provided on their website and could serve as an example to other states considering a newsletter sponsorship model.

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Community Living Resource Website – Utah

How are states using online resources to educate consumers about their choices? The state of Utah developed a resource site for the following areas: Employment, Benefits, Education and Training, Housing, Transportation, Finances and Money Management, Legal and Advocacy, Assistive Technology, Healthy Living. A link to the site is available and could serve as an example to other MIG states.

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Ride in 55 – West Virginia

Transportation moves people to healthcare, education and training, work, recreation, and to worship. It helps people with disabilities join their communities in work and economic activities. Ride in 55 is West Virginia's MIG grant funded program designed to maximize transportation opportunities for residents in all 55 counties and to encourage the best use of transportation resources. A link to the website is provided, and the site could serve as a template for similar programs in other states.

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Hilo Benefits Information Outreach – Hawaii

How is Hawaii providing its disabled population with benefits information? In the attached slide presentations, Hilo Benefits Information Outreach covers disability programs, work incentives and self employment work incentives for self-employed clients and case managers. These presentations for Hawaii’ s MIG program could be useful to other states implementing similar programs.

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