Transition/Diversion from Institutions

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Nursing Facility Transition and Diversion - Module 5: Transition, Follow-up, Tools and Resources

Michigan developed a six-part training on transition and diversion. Module 5 guides service providers through the transition periods and its follow-up. Handouts include transition planning guidelines and timelines, nursing facility transition services, and expenditure reports.

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Nursing Facility Transition and Diversion - Module 4: Nuts and Bolts of Transition

Michigan developed a six-part training on transition and diversion. Module 4 presents the basic components of a successful transition. Again, person-centered planning is a main component of the transition and helps set the goals for the process, as well as an accurate way to gauge its success. In addition, this module discusses the need for housing, financial management, and transportation in a successful transition.

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Nursing Facility Transition & Diversion - Module 3: Outreach Activities

Michigan developed a six-part training on transition and diversion. Module 3 discusses outreach activities in nursing facility transition and diversion. It reviews different methods of outreach and how they can be developed to be effective forms of marketing. In addition, information for outreach contacts and resources is provided.

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Nursing Facility Transition & Diversion - Module 2: Independent Living and Person-Centered Planning

Michigan developed a six-part training on transition and diversion. Module 2 is an overview of independent living and person-centered planning. It discusses the history and philosophy of independent living programs and definitions of person-centered planning. This module particularly emphasizes interacting and communicating with persons with disabilities.

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Nursing Facility Transition and Diversion: Module 1: An Overview of Transition & Diversion Programs

Michigan developed a six-part training on transition and diversion. Module 1 is an overview of transition and diversion in the long-term care system. After a brief introduction to nursing facility transition programs, the presentation dispels some myths about the outcomes of transition and diversion programs. In addition, Module 1 discusses different aspects of nursing home transition and the legislation and lawsuits that have affected this process.

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An Evaluation of the Maryland Hospital Discharge Pilot Program: Calendar Years 2003-2005

A goal of the Maryland Real Choice grant was to “provide information and assistance to consumer in acute care hospitals to aid decision-making and assist with transitions back to the community.” In 2003, a hospital discharge initiative was used to pay for nurses to work with patients being discharged from acute-care hospital stays. This paper reviews and answers whether there has been any change in discharge patterns from pilot sites to nursing homes relative to the rest of the state.

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Clarification of Roles and Responsibilities of Existing Aging Network Providers Participating in the Nursing Home Transition Process

During the Spring 2006, a total of thirteen sessions that included key informant interviews and focus groups ranging in size between eight to twelve participants were conducted. The report states several key areas of concern that emerged from the discussions in relationship to Illinois’ Choices for Care program of offering older adults alternatives to nursing home placement. Potential solutions to these identified areas may be found at the end of this report.

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Community Service Options, Inc. Website

Community Service Options, Inc (CSO) is an organization dedicated to assisting persons with developmental disability to receive service and live in the “least restrictive” setting. CSO provides screening, eligibility assessment, service coordination, and advocacy throughout the Chicago area. The website provides links to their services and assessment tools.

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