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Illinois 2004 Systems Change Seminar

The following information was presented at the Illinois 2004 Systems Change Seminar. Topics presented included: trends in long-term care, progress on the Illinois Community-based Treatment Alternatives for Children (CTAC) grants, the Illinois Housing Development Authority and how its work pertains to persons with disabilities, and Michigan’s progress on its Real Choice Systems Change grants.

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Homeownership for People with Disabilities Forms

The Illinois Homeownership Coalition for People with Disability (HCPD) has a comprehensive set of documents pertaining to its advocacy and assistance for homeownership. The organization’s goal is to assist people with disability in purchasing their homes, allowing them to maintain independence and living in their communities. Review the application, brochure and checklist.

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Community Service Options, Inc. Website

Community Service Options, Inc (CSO) is an organization dedicated to assisting persons with developmental disability to receive service and live in the “least restrictive” setting. CSO provides screening, eligibility assessment, service coordination, and advocacy throughout the Chicago area. The website provides links to their services and assessment tools.

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Human Service Co-op Board Training Manual and Policy and Procedures Template

Federated Human Service Co-op exists to assist in the creation of Human Service Cooperatives (HSC) and to support those efforts in the most effective, efficient manner possible. They have developed two new resources to aid with the development of co-op groups. The Board of Directors Training Manual is designed for self-directed board of directors leading their own human service organization. The Policy and Procedures handbook is a template that can be modified to be program specific.

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The Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) Demonstration Grant Initiative -Interim Outcomes Report

Forty-three states and territories have received three-year competitive grants since the ADRC program was launched. This report details findings at the overall ADRC level and the pilot level on the outcomes, accomplishments, and contributions of the ADRC program over the grant period, including more immediate results related to key consumer and program outcomes. It also documents lessons learned and program and policy implications at the pilot, state, and national level.

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Creating Livable Communities

The report presents six strategies or policy levers, gleaned from previous research reports that can be implemented on the federal and local levels to promote collaboration and coordination and support livable community objectives. Examples were selected from a vast array of actions that can be taken. Each of the strategies is illustrated by actual promising practices at both the federal and state levels that can be adapted and replicated elsewhere.

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Leadership Transition and Succession Planning

ADRCs can be affected by both external and internal changes in leadership. Organizations that plan for and carefully manage a leadership transition, however, can minimize disruption and even use the change to shift direction and strengthen organizational capacity. This issue brief offers suggestions for ways ADRCs can manage transition and position themselves to take advantage of opportunities to strengthen collaboration and advance the goals of the ADRC program.

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Family-to-Family Fact Sheets in Spanish

The Parent to Parent of New York State– Family to Family Healthcare Information and Education Center developed a number of fact sheets in Spanish to assist the parents they serve. Fact Sheet titles include: HCBS Waiver Programs, Navigating Doctors Appointments, Searching the Internet for Medical Information, Medication Tips, Record Keeping Suggestions, Relieving Stress. They have also developed a 34 page Care Notebook where families can keep a complete record of a child’s medical history.

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ADRC-TAE: Streamlining Access Self-Assessment with State Examples

How many hoops does a customer have to jump through to receive services? The goal of this self-assessment is to help ADRCs serve as leaders in systems change in the area of streamlined access. The paper outlines several hoops that individuals often have to navigate to gain access to information about LTC services beginning with the initial call. This report contains examples from current grantees, offers context and can be used as a tool for developing a clear strategy for streamlining access.

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