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Client Satisfaction / Program Evaluation Plan for Case Managed Programs at the Area Agency on Aging of Pasco-Pinellas, Inc.

This document describes new processes developed at an Area Agency on Aging (AAA) in Florida to ensure that clients are receiving quality case management services. The report contains flow diagrams depicting evaluation process for monthly home visits, provider review during annual monitoring, and complaint tracking as well as the new client satisfaction process which is to implemented annually.

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ArchiveADA: The Path to Equality – Website

Here is a one stop resource of documents and history related to the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) and the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA). In addition to the text, summary, and legislative history of the laws, you can find advocacy resources, news and analysis. The attached article serves as a general summary of the history of the ADA and the effort to restore its original intent of achieving full civil rights for people with disabilities through the ADAAA.

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Maryland Access Point (ADRC) Website – RFP

The MD Department of Aging envisions the Maryland Access Point (MAP) website as a place where older adults and people with disabilities can find information about services and resources in the state. MAP supports the work of local Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs). Use this closed RFP as an example if your program is searching for assistance in website development and maintenance.

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WorkSource Wisconsin Employer Disability Resource Center

Wisconsin developed the WorkSource website and phone and email hotline to answer employers’ questions about recruiting and employing people with disabilities. Here you can find a focus group and needs assessment report used in developing the website. There are also a WorkSource brochure, a list of questions that can be answered within 24 hours, and a link to the site.

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FY2009 Real Choice Systems Change Grants for Community Living Awards

Seven states received a share of over $8 million in federal grants to increase awareness of home-and community-based long-term care options for people leaving hospitals who otherwise may enter a nursing home. Over $7 million of the awards will be used to develop person-centered hospital discharge planning models. An additional $574,613 will supplement grants from FY07 to Wisconsin and Alaska so they can continue their Person-Centered Planning Implementation programs for another two years.

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Family Education and Support in Delaware - Web-based Curriculum

The University of Delaware’s Center for Disabilities Studies created a web-based curriculum to provide helpful information on social, emotional and behavioral health problems in youth for parents/caregivers and also for the children/youth. The program can be used in individual family sessions, multifamily groups or in a school setting. The website offers a host of practical guides and handouts for families, therapist topics and session guides.

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