Resource Center

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Disability and Technical Assistance Center National Network of ADA Centers

The Network consists of 10 regional centers funded by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), a division of the U.S. Department of Education. The mission is to provide information and Technical Assistance on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to individuals, organizations and employers. They provide training materials, referrals, and a searchable database of legal documents, fact sheets and checklists.

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Nursing Home Diversion Project Narrative and Work Plan – Connecticut

Planning documents show how Connecticut will use a Cash & Counseling model to provide flexible service choices to keep people out of institutions. The narrative gives details such as the state’s current rebalancing status, goals and objectives, approach, challenges, service options, training and eligibility. The work plan details “Choices at Home” key tasks, lead person and time frame associated with each major objective.

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Online Caregiver Training – Connecticut

Through this interactive training, family caregivers can learn about available resources and train themselves on how to deal with common challenges. Some of the resources featured are links to agencies and senior centers, care locator tools, and descriptions of helpful programs. Trainings cover how to recognize and prevent stress, improve communications with family members and service providers, and address conflicts.

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School-to-Career Transition Self-Paced Modules

Transitioning from school to work for youth with disabilities can be a complicated process. Sponsored by TransCen and the Johnson Scholarship Foundation, these online modules are designed to provide an overview for these young adults in transition, with a focus on work-based experiences, empowerment, health and social service linkage, family supports and interagency collaboration.

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Access for All Customers: Universal Strategies for One-Stop Career Centers

One-Stop Career Centers serve a diverse range of customers. These include individuals with a variety of educational and work backgrounds, as well as individuals with a wide range of disabilities and support needs. An effective way to serve this broad customer pool is to provide One-Stop services according to the principles of what is known as “universal design,” using common strategies that benefit many groups. This brief discusses the benefits of One-Stop services in detail.

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Going To Work: A Guide to Social Security Benefits and Employment for Young People with Disabilities (2009 Edition)

Young people and their families are in the best position to make choices about working when they have good information about the impact of work on benefits. The Social Security and Medicaid/MassHealth programs have work incentives that can help young people give work a try, and provide a “safety net” in case the job does not work out. The purpose of this booklet is to give families and professionals working with young people some practical, hands-on information about work incentives.

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National Center for Benefits Outreach and Enrollment

Finding and enrolling older adults and adults with disabilities into benefit programs for which they may be eligible represents an enormous challenge to the agencies that serve them. This website provides tools and resources to these local, state and national agencies to assist them in helping their clients access benefit programs, along with information on best practices and cost-effective strategies for outreach and enrollment.

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Funding Sources for Direct Service Workforce Initiatives

This website offers information on the range of funding sources available to State Medicaid and other agencies and stakeholders to support the development of a high quality direct service labor force. It breaks the information down into 5 categories including current, federal, state, foundation and other types of funding and includes examples of sources and strategies for funding future DSW initiatives.

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Information and Assistance Training Video and Manual - NY Connects Choices for Long-Term Care

This curriculum, "Choices for Long-Term Care" was developed by the New York State Office for the Aging in partnership with Albany area institutions. These materials serve as a tool for NY Connects professionals to better understand the philosophy and definition of information and assistance, enhance their communication skills, and become familiar with the call map to better assist callers.

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