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Improving The Quality Of Medicaid Personal Assistance Through Consumer direction

This paper presents findings from the Cash & Counseling demonstration in Arkansas. The report shows results from a survey of 1,739 elderly and nonelderly adults. The results include that relative to agency-directed services, Cash and Counseling greatly improved satisfaction and reduced most unmet needs. Additional results and presented and discussed.

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CMS Letter: Public Input to Comprehensive 1115 Waivers, Home and Community-Based Service Waivers, and Managed Care Waivers

This CMS letter highlights the ways that states can include public input in the 1115 waiver, Home and Community-Based Service Waiver, and managed care waiver process. Some examples are provided including public forums and legislative hearings.

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CMS letter: Allowing coverage of transition costs under 1915 (c)

CMS letter allowing coverage of transition costs under 1915 (c) waivers. This letter clarifies some methods by which HCBS waivers under section 1915(c) may aid in the transitioning of individuals from institutional settings to their own home in the community through coverage of one-time transitional expenses. This clarification was promised in the HHS New Freedom Report to the President.

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GAO Report: Federal Oversight of Growing Medicaid HCBS Waivers Should Be Strengthened

The United States General Accounting Office study conducted on home and community based long-term care that is supported by Medicaid waivers. The population that they focused upon was older adults. The reasons for the study were to look at trends in uses of Medicaid waiver programs, to review quality assurance approaches used by states in their administration of the waivers, and to determine the adequacy of federal oversight of the waivers.

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Medicaid HCBS Study Reports

Reports from the CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (formally known as HCFA) Medicaid HCBS Study of the impact of Medicaid home and community based services programs on quality of life, quality of care, utilization and cost. The research project will study the financing and delivery of services to older and younger people with disabilities and the Medicaid financing and delivery of services for individuals with mental retardation and developmental disabilities (MR/DD) in six states.

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Medicaid Long Term Care Expenditures, FY2000

The data presented in Tables A through N are derived from HCFA 64 reports submitted by states to the Health Care Financing Administration. The HCFA 64 is the form used by states to claim Federal Financial Participation (FFP) for state Medicaid outlays, and is audited by the Federal government. It is thus considered to be one of the most reliable sources of information on state Medicaid spending.

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Medicaid HCBS Waiver Expenditures, FY1995-2000

The accompanying tables and graphs present data on Medicaid expenditures for 1915(c) Home and Community-Based Services waivers from FY 1995 through FY 2000. The memo provides detailed data on expenditures for individual waivers. In addition, the materials classify each 1915(c) waiver by target population, and present information on the distribution of expenditures for HCBS services across long term care populations.

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