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Options for improving the FMAP formula: Making Medicaid Work for the 21st Century Issue Brief

This November 2004 issue brief addresses the federal medical assistance percentage (FMAP). The reimbursement percent is calculated according to a formula established in the Medicaid statute & based on the per capita income in each state. The fact that the FMAP is based on historical data is sometimes of concern to states. Additionally, the current system makes no specific provision for changes in the economy, leaving states confronted with increased costs when they can least afford them.

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Options for Premium Assistance Programs: Making Medicaid Work for the 21st Century Issue Brief

This November 2004 issue brief on Premium Assistance, a strategy in which a state uses public funds (e.g.,Medicaid dollars) to pay for a portion of the cost of private coverage (usually employer-sponsored insurance). Current use of premium assistance by states is minimal; only about one-third operate such programs, and recent reports indicate that enrollment in these programs is modest in most of these states. Nonetheless, state interest remains high due to the potential benefits.

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Understanding Medicaid Home and Community Services: A Primer

When Medicaid was first enacted, payment for long-term services was made solely to institutions such as nursing homes. Medicaid now pays for a comprehensive range of home & community services that provide alternatives to institutional care. Medicaid is a flexible program but it is also a complex program. It is no surprise that there are a host of questions about what is allowable under Medicaid law and regulation. This Primer on Medicaid Home and Community Services serves as a reference guide.

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Managing Medicaid Take-Up: Strategies, Efforts, and Evaluation: The Complexity of Simplifying the Medicaid Application Process

This report summarizes a study supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation examining how 18 states simplified the Medicaid eligibility process. Study Highlights: The type & extent of Medicaid application simplification measures, times which simplification occured, contact types varied to assist Medicaid eligible individuals with the application, Medicaid budget cuts are likely to negatively impact the application process.

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Managing Medicaid Take-up: CHIP and Medicaid Outreach-Strategies, Efforts, and Evaluation

This report summarizes a study supported by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation examining how states are addressing declining enrollments in Medicaid by renewing outreach. A decline in Medicaid enrollments in recent years and the creation of the Children’s Health Insurance Program prompted many states to undertake renewed outreach efforts to those potentially eligible for medical assistance. The extent and nature of these outreach efforts, however, have varied widely across states.

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Medicaid and an Aging Population Fact Sheet

About half of Medicaid LTC spending is for the elderly; the rest goes for services to non-elderly disabled people, especially people with developmental disabilities. There is wide variation in the resources states are currently devoting to LTC. In coming years, different rates of population aging may shift the financial burdens among states. One result may be growing interest in reassessing the federal & state roles in financing. This paper examines the implications for state Medicaid programs.

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Using a “Supports” Waiver Program to Achieve Targeted Policy Goals

This bulletin from the National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services focuses on the operation of what have come to referred to as \"supports\" waiver programs - i.e., Medicaid home & community-based waiver programs that offer a broad, flexible array of comparatively low cost services and supports that are intended primarily to assist individuals living in their own home or the home of their family to avoid placement in a licensed, out-of-home residential facility.

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Multimodal Treatment for ADHD Among Youths in Three Medicaid Subgroups: Disabled, Foster Care, and Low Income

This study compared the use of treatments for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) among three distinct subpopulations of Medicaid-insured youths who have very different mental health needs and patterns of service use: those with federally documented disability, those in foster care, and those in families with low income. This one-year, cross-sectional study of community mental health services used administrative data.

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