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HCBS Conference 2019- Presentations

The Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Conference is hosted annually by ADvancing States (formerly known as NASUAD). This event highlights best practices from across the country in home and community-based services. The conference includes federal, state, and local policymakers as well as those who administer, manage, and deliver waiver and other HCBS programs. This link contains all of the slide presentations from the 2019 HCBS Conference.

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Information Sharing to Improve Care Coordination for High-Risk Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan Enrollees: Key Questions for State Implementation

This technical assistance tool focuses on the new “information sharing” requirement for Dual Eligible Special Needs Plans beginning in 2021. The tool explains the new requirement as well as how to address the requirement in mandatory D-SNP contracts.

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Changes to Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI)-based Income Methodologies

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services issued a State Health Official letter that provides guidance on legislative changes to the modified adjusted gross income (MAGI)-based methodologies used for determining Medicaid and CHIP eligibility. In order to implement the changes to MAGI-based methods, states may need to update eligibility policies and procedures and make changes to eligibility systems logic.

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Supporting the Critical Role of Family Caregivers: State Opportunities

This fact sheet was developed as part of the Center’s Helping States Support Families Caring for an Aging America initiative. Six states – Alabama, Idaho, Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Virginia- are involved with the initiative. This fact sheet provides an overview of unpaid family caregiving and lists options state leaders can consider implementing in order to support family caregivers in their state.

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Selected Characteristics of 10 States With the Greatest Change in Long-Term Services and Supports System Balancing, 2012–2016

The Centers for Medicaid & Medicare Services released a report that profiled the 10 states with the greatest change in Long-Term Services and Support (LTSS) system balancing. The report highlights characteristics of the 10 states and compares their change in LTSS system balancing with other states and provides a national overview on LTSS system balancing. State profiles consist of characteristics and strategies states utilized in their progress towards rebalancing their LTSS systems.

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CMCS Informational Bulletin: Additional EVV Guidance

CMS released a bulletin addressing frequently asked questions regarding Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) requirements to beneficiaries receiving in-home care. This bulletin responds to questions surrounding beneficiaries with live-in caregivers, services delivered partially in the beneficiary's home, the provision of medical supplies, equipment, and appliances as a component of the Medicaid home health benefit, and the use of web-based timesheets as an EVV method.

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