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Compendium of Medicaid Home- and Community-Based Services Waiver Waiting List Administration

This compendium includes select information on waiver capacity and waiting list management. The compendium highlights over 200 approved Section 1915(c) and Section 1115 waivers across all 50 states and DC. As an accompaniment to this compendium, MACPAC has also released an issue brief. This issue brief includes a description of the waiver analysis conducted in the compendium. It also features information from stakeholder interviews.

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Benefits Access and Enrollment During COVID-19: Findings from State Aging and Disability Agencies

This report provides a summary of changes that states have made to their systems for connecting individuals to benefits and explores state agency changes, challenges, and opportunities related to benefits access and enrollment during the COVID-19 crisis. Data and findings are drawn from the ADvancing States 2020 COVID-19 Membership Survey.

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Emergency Support for Nursing Homes and Elder Justice Reform Act of 2020

This week, the Senate Finance Committee released the language and summaries of legislation to help nursing home efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19. The Act would call on nursing homes to ensure that a portion Federal relief funds, made available on or after July 1, for responding to COVID-19 would be used for personal protective equipment (PPE) and COVID-19 testing in long-term care facilities. The Act also has language for expanding resources for elder justice activities.

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State Views on Program Administration Challenges

This report highlights results from a 50-state GAO survey on what challenges states are experiencing related to federal Medicaid regulations. As part of the survey, GAO conducted interviews with state Medicaid officials to identify the areas of greatest concern. This report identifies four program areas that were rated as significant or moderate challenges to effective program administration. GAO also discusses potential federal actions to address these challenges

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MACPAC June 2020 Report to Congress on Medicaid and CHIP

The MACPAC June 2020 Report to Congress on Medicaid and CHIP was created prior to the COVID-19 pandemic and highlights long-term challenges facing Medicaid. Across six chapters, it discusses key issues including integrated care for dually eligible Medicaid and Medicare beneficiaries, Medicare Savings Programs, and Medicaid's statutory role as the payer of last resort.

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Exploring Options for Integration: State Considerations to Better Coordinate Medicare and Medicaid

This webinar discussed two issue briefs from the MLTSS Institute on aligning Medicare and Medicaid for dually eligible individuals. The briefs covered were, "Starting from Square One: Considerations for States Exploring Medicare-Medicaid" and, “The Value of Integration to State Medicaid Agencies”. The webinar also highlighted the perspective of the District of Columbia, which is planning to launch new program elements to better integrate care.

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Short-Term Money Follows the Person Extensions Resulted in a Significant Drop in State Efforts to Transition People Out of Institutions

The Community Living Policy Center (CLPC) released a brief describing how short-term extensions of the Money Follows the Person (MFP) program have curtailed state efforts in transitioning individuals out of institutions. The CLPC based their findings on CMS data on annual transitions in each state.

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Starting from Square One: Considerations for States Exploring Medicare-Medicaid Integration

This issue brief from the MLTSS Institute focuses on aspects of delivering effective care to individuals eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid. Only about 2/3 of states have undertaken any activity to better integrate care for dually eligible beneficiaries; many have encountered a number of barriers in pursuing better integration of the Medicare and Medicaid programs. This issue brief identifies key questions that states should ask themselves before they design an integrated care program.

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Recognition of Family Caregivers in Managed Long-Term Services and Supports

This AARP Public Policy Institute research report examines support for family caregivers in managed long-term services and supports. The report finds that states have made progress in this area, but have opportunity to continue improving support for family caregivers in their MLTSS programs. One potential solution suggested by the report is to ensure that MLTSS contracts between states and health plans include clearly defined requirements to identify and support family caregivers.

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2019 National Preadmission Screening and Resident Review Report

This annual report summarizes states’ self-reported data related to certain quality measures, including the timeliness of the PASRR evaluations and the outcomes for applicants and residents resulting from the evaluations. The report also provides a brief background of PASRR and outlines states' data tracking capabilities.

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