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Homeownership for People with Disabilities Forms

The Illinois Homeownership Coalition for People with Disability (HCPD) has a comprehensive set of documents pertaining to its advocacy and assistance for homeownership. The organization’s goal is to assist people with disability in purchasing their homes, allowing them to maintain independence and living in their communities. Review the application, brochure and checklist.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51123

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Community Service Options, Inc. Website

Community Service Options, Inc (CSO) is an organization dedicated to assisting persons with developmental disability to receive service and live in the “least restrictive” setting. CSO provides screening, eligibility assessment, service coordination, and advocacy throughout the Chicago area. The website provides links to their services and assessment tools.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51122

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Questions and Answers about CSO\'s Housing Initiative

Community Service Options, Inc. (CSO), has put together this Question and Answer document regarding its housing initiative. This worksheet discusses independent living and “least restrictive” options for disabled and elderly persons, while including information about the limitations in eligibility for such housing. Finally, CSO discusses advocacy methods for increasing the availability of independent living options.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51121

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Housing Information Briefs and Brochures: West Virginia

WV Real Choice worked in collaboration with other agencies and organizations to create improvements in long term support systems so persons with disabilities and/or long term illnesses can make their own choices and have the necessary supports to live and work in their communities. The grant worked on many housing activities. Their products include a housing guide, information briefs, brochures, press release and PSA created by the program to explain and address housing needs.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51062

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HUD Public Housing Authority Executive Director Letter: How Housing Authorities can implement the Money Follows the Person Initiative

On October 5, 2006, Secretary of HUD, Alphonso Jackson wrote a \"Dear Executive Director\" letter to each Public Housing Authority regarding how Housing Authorities could implement both the Money Follows the Person legislation and the Presidents' New Freedom Initiative.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51054

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ABC\'s of Nursing Home Transition

This self-study guide is offered as an orientation manual for new transition facilitators. Materials were developed with input from Centers for Independent Living and a variety of other organizations. A facilitator is somebody who aids or assists in the transition process. The manual helps new facilitators understand and apply the principles plus resources found useful by successful transition facilitators.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51053

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North Carolina Housing Finance Agency Website

This site contains many policies and forms used in the Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program. Scroll down to DHHS Targeting Plans and Key Program Assistance to download documents: Program Procedures & Requirements, Support Coordinator Contact Information, Targeting Plan Template, Letter of Referral, Checklist for Initial Funding & Move-Ins, Direct Deposit, Authorization, Owner Agreement to Participate, Rent & Subsidy Calculation Worksheet, Payment Requisition, Termination Notice, IRS Form W-9.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51050


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