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Coordinating and Leveraging Long-Term Supports with Licensed Affordable Assisted Living: Arkansas Case Study

This case study describes how a private sector entity, NCB Development Corporation, helped to coordinate and galvanize the existing efforts of essential partners to develop, plan, and finance a new assisted living facility, and coordinate appropriate funding sources for operational and client service expenditures. The Gardens at Osage Terrace was developed under the Coming Home Program, a demonstration program of NCB Development Corporation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51175

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Coordinating and Leveraging Long-Term Supports with Affordable Assisted Living in Public Housing: Florida Case Study

This case study describes the development and operations of assisted living units coordinated with independent senior units in a public housing location: Titusville Towers in Titusville, Florida. Because this example uses an existing facility, replication of this case study demonstrates that time and cost will be substantially less than new construction of an assisted living facility. The Titusville Housing Authority received approval from HUD to designate it as seniors-only housing.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51174

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Coordinating and Leveraging Long-Term Supports to Live More Independently with Assistive Technology and Home Modifications: Nebraska Case Study

This case study describes the leveraging and coordinating of multiple funding resources to provide increased access to home modifications and assistive technology in response to an assessment of individualized need. The Nebraska Assistive Technology Project serves as a single provider to conduct program eligibility for all funders, and provide assessment, determine need, and develop a service plan for consumers.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51173

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A House in Order: A Planning Guide

This is a planning document developed by the Ozaukee County Aging Services Department that helps individuals gather thoughts and discuss them with their family by asking, What Do You Want? This document, subtitled “Your Personal Guide for Planning a Happy Healthy & Independent Long Life” helps individuals take an inventory of the values and preferences. The guide recommends recording what you want and reviewing the list periodically with those closest so they can carry out the plans.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51168

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Transforming Housing for People with Psychiatric Disabilities

The problems of board and care homes, also known as adult homes, for people with psychiatric disabilities are the focus of a new SAMHSA report. The history, demographics and common concerns of these homes are detailed in-depth plus ten recommendations to improve quality of life. A list of measures being implemented to improve the lives of residents and recommendations calling for a recovery-oriented approach based on the principles of self-direction and community integration are also provided.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51161

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Growing Wealth, Inequality, and Housing in the United States

While aggregate household net wealth grew from $25.9 trillion in 1995 to $50.1 trillion in 2004 (both in 2004 dollars), nearly 90 percent of the net gains occurred only among the top quartile of households in the wealth distribution. This paper discusses both household wealth and inequality growth, examines demographic factors behind the growth, and analyzes housing’s role in it, using the Survey of Consumer Finances data collected by the Federal Reserve Bank.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51149

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Aging and Disability Policy Summit: High Priority Worksheet

This document is from the Aging and Disability Policy Summit. It notes the priority areas regarding aging and disability policy. They are: housing, transportation, health care, employment, education, and community participation. This worksheet provides a valuable framework for defining issues, activities and goals needed to enact change.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51131

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Illinois 2004 Systems Change Seminar

The following information was presented at the Illinois 2004 Systems Change Seminar. Topics presented included: trends in long-term care, progress on the Illinois Community-based Treatment Alternatives for Children (CTAC) grants, the Illinois Housing Development Authority and how its work pertains to persons with disabilities, and Michigan’s progress on its Real Choice Systems Change grants.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51126

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Homecare in Illinois: A Continuing Crisis

This brief recognizes the issues that face home care workers – including low wages, difficult work, and few, if any, benefits. At the same time, demands for home health care are increasing. This document, written on behalf of the Service Employees International Union, advocates on behalf of home health workers to raise wages in order to encourage participation in a workforce that assists Illinois vulnerable populations.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51125

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Illinois Homeownership Coalitiion for People with Disabilities Homebuyers\' Educational Manual

This manual provides guidance for people with disabilities who are interested in owning their homes. Topics covered include: financing homeownership, understanding credit and budgets, Fair Housing Laws, finding a home, home inspections, buying and closing on a house, and home maintenance and assistance.

Short URL: http://www.advancingstates.org/node/51124


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