Consumer/Participant Direction

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Utah- Family-Directed Support Network for Families of People with Disabilities

The Utah Family Council is a non-profit organization that provides support to all families of people with disabilities, regardless of whether they receive public funding. This document describes this program, which uses funding from the Self-Determination Grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to increase availability. The report describes the program and its implementation.

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The AuthentiCare Solution: Service Tracking, Reporting & Billing

In most cases, systems in use are paper-based and time intensive, which can lead to a high risk of fraud and abuse. The AuthentiCare Solution is an automated point-of-service verification system developed by GovConnect. The solution is designed to provide accurate, real-time access to information and to document that services have been provided. The solution uses a simple, secure, integrated phone and Internet environment.

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Promising Practices in HCBS: Massachusetts-Facilitating Culturally Competent Self-Determination

This report documents the State of Massachusetts’ community governing boards. These boards were established to manage service delivery as a part of a self-determination initiative for people with developmental disabilities. The governing boards – elected by people with disabilities and their families – reflect Boston’s ethnic neighborhoods and serve people with similar ethnic and cultural backgrounds.

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The Personal Assistance Services and Direct-Support Workforce: A Literature Review

Millions of Americans with disabilities or long-term illnesses need assistance with daily activities. Family members and friends fill much of that need, but paid workers are a critical source of care and services. The need for assistance is increasing yet the number of people available is growing slowly. CMS funded this paper to summarize literature and research on the home care, home health, and personal assistance services workforce, highlighting issues raised and lessons learned.

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Summaries of the Systems Change Grants for Community Living - FY 2003 Grantees

The Formative Evaluation of the Real Choice Systems Change Grants evaluates how the Systems Change grantees are progressing towards meeting their goals. The Formative Evaluation identifies problems faced by the grantees and ways that they deal with the problems. This document provides summary information about each of the FY2003 Grantees.

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Partnership Development Activities: Comparative Analysis of FY 2001 Systems Change Grantees

This report provides a summary of the partnership development activities undertaken by the 52 Grantees that were awarded a Systems Change Grant in 2001. It describes the ways that Grantees involved consumers and public and private partners in the development of Grant applications and their plans for involving them in implementation activities. In addition, the report includes a more in-depth description of partnership involvement for nine Grantees (three from each Grant type).

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Community Living Exchange Collaborative Online: Resources for Everyone Working to Improve Home and Community Based Services

This presentation highlighted The Community Living Exchange Collaborative Web site and the various features available to a wide array of audiences, including states, policy makers, advocates, researchers, consumers, and other entities involved in building systems that provide services and supports that reflect the needs and preferences of individuals of all ages with disabilities.

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An Affirmation of Community: A Revolution of Vision and Goals

How would a system of supports look if people with disabilities and their circle of friends, or network, were truly in charge of their own needs, if they truly achieved self-determination? This paper is a call to action and an illustration of the depth of change required if we are truly to become responsive to people with disabilities.

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