Consumer/Participant Direction

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Consumer Focus Group Findings – Washington

Three focus group studies on employment support services for people with developmental disabilities are presented here. The first was conducted by self-advocates who gathered feedback from vocational rehabilitation consumers about services received . The second gathered views from consumers on which services were most effective in helping them gain employment. The final is a presentation on the perceptions of people with disabilities and employers on the meaning and importance of work.

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Customized Employment Employers and Workers: Creating a Competitive Edge

Since 2001, the U.S. Department of Labor has funded 20 Customized Employment and 6 Workforce Action demonstration projects to identify policy mechanisms that effectively support customized employment. This report gives the background, key findings, successful strategies, obstacles, and analysis of the different projects. The main work product is a set of local, state, and federal policy recommendations generated by the initiative.

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List of Allowable Purchases under Flexible Choices

Flexible Choices (a Cash & Counseling program) is a consumer or surrogate directed home and community based option. The program offers consumers a cash-value allowance with which to purchase their care. Working with a consultant the individual develops a budget which details expenditure of the allowance. This procedure from the Vermont’s LTC program manual details what is allowable for purchase. As states consider the idea of allowing purchased goods and services, this list serves as a guide.

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Choice and Customized Employment: A Critical Component

Up to 70% of community rehabilitation providers report that individuals with disabilities prefer to stay in facility-based, rather than community-based, employment programs. This edition of the “Customized Employment Corner” series confronts some challenges of helping individuals make informed choices about employment options. The questions and answers address issues of finding jobs that fit individuals’ qualifications and choices, communication, and funding.

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Tennessee Long-Term Care Community Choices Act of 2008

Prior to this bill mandating improved access to home and community-based long-term care (LTC) services, Tennessee was paying 98% of LTC funds to nursing homes. The act rebalances funding allocation and creates a single point of entry for older adults seeking LTC. It also supports diversion from and transition out of institutions through HCBS counseling and improved needs assessment. It was signed into law 06/17/2008.

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You Have Some Very Good Choices in Living – Arkansas Options Counseling Booklet

This booklet, through Arkansas’ “Choices in Living” aging and disabilities resource center, profiles the home and community-based long-term care (LTC) options available in the state. Older adults, people with disabilities, families and support workers can determine which of the five profiled programs are best for them based on eligibility criteria and scope of coverage.

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The Case for Inclusion 2008: An Analysis of Medicaid for Americans with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

States are ranked in this report based on the outcomes of Medicaid services provided to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The key outcomes measured are the promotion of independence and meaningful employment, tracking quality and safety, keeping families together, and reaching those in need. Each state’s progress is measured by comparing data from the previous year. This report is issued annually with past editions available on the included website.

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Arkansas Direct Service Workers Registry - Website

Are you looking for an example of how one state is helping connect consumers to workers? Are you looking for a personal care attendant? Are you seeking employment as a personal care attendant? This website helps Direct Service Workers find employment allowing them uploading their application; consumers can search a database of available workers. Visitors can also find tips for hiring workers, tax information, and answers to other frequently asked questions.

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Transitioning Youth with Mental Health Needs to Meaningful Employment and Independent Living

The authors offer recommendations for providing successful career preparation support to youth with mental health needs. They studied five successful programs to identify common design features that address frequently identified challenges in transitioning to an independent adulthood. They also offer analysis of systems level factors affecting program design and sustainability, in addition to recommendations for staff and policymakers.

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In the Driver’s Seat: A Guide to Self-directed Mental Health Care

Here, consumers and advocates can find information and tools needed for effective self-directed mental health care. The guide summarizes the goals of self-directed planning and the rights of the consumers. It also lists strategies by states to support these services. Fact sheets and questions-and-answers provide further information on financing, eligibility, evaluation, planning, and support brokerage.

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