Consumer/Participant Direction

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Options to Increase Access to Long-Term Care: Maryland House Bill 594 Final Report

This report discusses the options for expanding home and community based services in the state of Maryland as required by Bill 594. Should Maryland elect to expand access to Medicaid home- and community-based services(HCBS), it has several possible approaches. This report discusses these options for Maryland in detail; ideas other states designing similar programs might find useful.

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Coordinating Care for Dual Eligibles: Options for Linking State Medicaid Programs with Medicare Advantage Special Needs Plans

This article outlines three potential models which may be adopted by states looking to develop programs designed to serve those individuals who are dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid benefits. The article also discusses possible contractual issues important to state Medicaid agencies as well as environmental factors which may influence the choice of models and potential program's prospects for success.

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File Downloads / Links – Home Care Worker Recruitment Website

The goal of Rewarding Work is to give people who need support with daily activities choice and control in finding personal assistants. So far, the site has partnered with five states in the Northeast. The searchable database can be used by both people looking to hire help and job seekers. The attached news release describes a special connection these services made possible - the example, a 14-year-old with severe disabilities, and a nursing student looking for a work as PCA.

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An Examination of Issues Related to How Home and Community-Based Services Programs Operate Within Fixed Budgets and to the Administrative Linkages Between Eligibility Determination, Needs Assessment and Care Planning Functions

This paper reports the findings of a study to document and analyze selected best practices related to state administered home and community based services (HCBS) programs. Examination of the programs provided the context for examining two interrelated areas of policy interest: how states organize and deliver a range of HCBS within fixed budgets; and how eligibility determination, needs assessment, care planning and service authorization functions are structured and linked to one another.

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Medicaid Infrastructure Grants: Presentation and Resources

This presentation on Medicaid Infrastructure Grants (MIG) presents information regarding what ADRCs need to know about work incentive programs for individuals with disabilities. The presentation was part of the ADRC TA program and was delivered in November 2008. Additionally, a link is included to an informational website for the Ticket to Work Incentives Improvement Act.

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Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA)-Ticket to Work Site

The Work Incentives Planning and Assistance Projects or WIPAs were funded by 104 new grants awarded throughout the U.S. and the U.S. territories in 2006 to this SSA grantee program. These grants were created to assist SSA disability beneficiaries by providing information about work incentives, benefits planning, and making good choices about work. This website is a resource for consumers, providers and employment and vocational networks.

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