Consumer/Participant Direction

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Key Elements of F/EA Quality Management

This presentation was part of the 2007 Government and Vendor Fiscal/Employer Agent Workshop. The presentation discusses some key activities related to F/EA quality management, including: implementing effective Medicaid provider agreements and administration contracts, conducting initial F/EA readiness/certification reviews, and implementing ongoing F/EA performance/recertification reviews and program participant, representative and worker satisfaction surveys.

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Consumer Preferences for a Cash Option Versus Traditional Services – New Jersey

The University of Maryland conducted telephone surveys and focus groups to determine consumers’ preferences for a cash option or traditional agency delivered services in New Jersey. This article reports the findings including, demographics, interest in a cash option, and attractive program features.

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Consumer Enrollment and Experiences in the Cash & Counseling Program

This report details the enrollment issues faced during implementation of the program. In addition, the report looks at consumer experiences including issues resulting from acting as an employer and effects on quality of life. The abstract (free) and full report (subscription required) are available.

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Consumer Enrollment and Experiences in the Cash & Counseling Program

This report details the enrollment issues faced during implementation of the program. In addition, the report looks at consumer experiences including issues resulting from acting as an employer and effects on quality of life. The abstract (free) and full report (subscription required) are available.

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Consumer-Directed Care for Beneficiaries With Mental Illness: Lessons From New Jersey's Cash & Counseling Program

This study examined the effectiveness of the Cash & Counseling program for those with a diagnosis of mental illness using previous research from the Cash & Counseling Demonstration and Evaluation (CCDE) program in New Jersey. The link to the article abstract is available here.

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Consumer Preferences for a Consumer-Directed Cash Option Versus Traditional Services: Telephone Survey Findings for Florida Elders and Adults with Physical Disabilities

Review the findings of this telephone survey focusing on the preferences of Florida elders and adults with physical disabilities toward a cash option or traditional services. Results include a description of the sample demographics, services received, satisfaction level, and interest in a cash option.

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Consumer Preferences for a Cash Option Versus Traditional Services: Telephone Survey Results for New Jersey Elders and Adults

The University of Maryland conducted telephone surveys and focus groups to determine consumers’ preferences for a cash option or traditional agency delivered services in New Jersey. This article reports the findings including, demographics, interest in a cash option, and attractive program features.

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