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Accessibility of Public and Private Places in Connecticut

The Real Choice System Change project at the University of Connecticut’s Center for Disabilities administered a Community Inclusion Assessment to determine the level and quality of inclusion in Connecticut communities. The papers in this series are based on a (non-random) sample of 250 individuals with disabilities who completed an in-depth survey. Real Choice Briefing Paper #1 explores the accessibility of public and private places.

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Roadmap for Change: Maine\'s Response to the Olmstead Decision

This guide was prepared by Maine’s Work Group for Community-Based Living in response to the 1999 Olmstead Supreme Court decision. The work group submits this Roadmap as an interdepartmental approach for improving home and community services for people with disabilities. Section topics include: advocacy, integrated services, using data, service coordination, direct-care workers, improving quality, housing, transportation, and employment.

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Department of Transportation (DOT) Disability Law Guidance

Four new guidance documents were released interpreting the DOT Americans with Disabilities Act Regulations. The documents carry out the ADA intent and its regulation to protect the civil rights of people with disabilities. The documents are titled: Origin to Destination Service; Full-Length, Level-Boarding Platforms in New Commuter and Intercity Rail Stations; Paratransit Requirements for §5311-Funded Fixed-Route Service Operated by Private Entities; Use of \"Segways\" on Transportation Vehicles.

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A Guide to Housing in West Virginia

Access to affordable, accessible, and integrated housing within a community of choice has been identified as one of the primary barriers faced by persons with disabilities in West Virginia. Lack of housing has become a major barrier to successfully moving individuals from institutions to the community. This manual is intended to be a resource to assist individuals with understanding the complicated maze of systems that must be navigated to successfully own or rent a home or apartment.

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Access to Health Care Survey

Are you a person with a disability interested in the accessibility of medical clinics? The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center (RRTC) on Health & Wellness is asking people with disabilities to participate in an on-line survey identifying barriers to routine health care. Information gathered will be used to develop a checklist which health care providers can use to assess their accessibility. The survey takes no longer than 15 minutes to complete and must be answered by September 30.

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CMS Actions: Hurricane Katrina Information Website

CMS has acted to assure Medicare, Medicaid and State Children's Health Insurance Programs will accommodate emergency health care needs of beneficiaries and medical providers in Hurricane Katrina devastated states. CMS emergency relief activities and information including a detailed explanation of billing and payment policy revisions, and phone numbers for the state medical assistance offices can be found on this website. Frequently asked questions and their answers will be updated daily by 2pm.

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Creating Inclusive Communities For Everyone - Conference

The CT Real Choice statewide conference will be held September 16, 2005. Participants will spend the day in meaningful dialogue and discussion around one central question: “How can I help build a welcoming, accessible, and inclusive community that supports all its residents to be full participants?” The Keynote address will serve as a catalyst for an “Open Space Marketplace of Ideas” on building inclusive communities. Bring your ideas, passions, concerns and questions to share and explore.

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Updated Regulations For Power Wheelchair And Power Operated Vehicle Claims

CMS announced that a certificate of medical necessity is no longer required for power wheelchair and power operated vehicle claims. This is another step to streamline and ensure appropriate access for people with Medicare to power operated vehicles. In an interim final rule with opportunity to comment that went on display at the Federal Register, CMS clarified the requirements for prescribing, supplying, and receiving payment for these vehicles. Review the interim final rule and fact sheet.

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Streamlining Access to Home and Community-Based Services: Lessons from Washington

States seek to streamline access to HCBS in order to expedite and simplify the experience of consumers seeking services so that they receive the services they need in community settings, preventing or delaying the need for institutional care. The design of the Washington long-term support system for older adults and people with physical disabilities provides examples for other states interested in simplifying or expediting access to long-term supports.

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RAP Sheet: Better Living through Assistive Technology

The Spring 2005 Issue of the Rap Sheet explores the amazing world of Assistive Technology. From simple modifications fashioned out of junk drawer contents to high tech talking computers, assistive technology enables individuals with disabilities to be more independent in their homes, at work, and in their communities. This issue identifies AT solutions, funding options and offers ways to resources.

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