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Timely Brandeis Study Utilizes NCI-AD Data to Highlight Connections Between Unmet Needs for Medicaid HCBS and Poor Health and Community Living Outcomes

The study examined self-reported data from over 10,200 Medicaid HCBS beneficiaries across 13 states using the NCI-AD survey. Unmet needs for Medicaid HCBS were consistently and significantly associated with poor health outcomes (emergency department visits, hospital stays, and preventative care) and community living outcomes (community participation, relationships with family and friends, satisfaction with how time is spent during the day, and sense of control in life.

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Better Care Experiences and Quality of Life: New Evidence Favors Managed Care Delivery of Long-Term Services and Supports

This Mathematica article summarizes some of their key findings from a recent study utilizing NCI-AD data. The study contributes important information to the field of managed care long-term services and supports (MLTSS) and quality outcomes. One finding shares “MLTSS enrollees rated their experience of care and quality of life more favorably than fee-for-service beneficiaries.”

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